October 20 - 21, 2021
Vue.js Live Conference

Vue.js London Live 2021

Code / Create / Communicate

Following the expansion of the Vue ecosystem, Vue.js Live Conference has grown from a local Meetup to an international conf. The event will welcome more 5k Vue folks remotely from anywhere in the world. Every participant around the world can access online workshops, fun & networking with stellar Vue people.

This edition of the event has finished, the latest updates of this JavaScript Conference are available on the Brand Website.
Vue3: Modern Frontend App Development
169 min
Vue3: Modern Frontend App Development
Top Content
Featured WorkshopFree
Mikhail Kuznetsov
Mikhail Kuznetsov
The Vue3 has been released in mid-2020. Besides many improvements and optimizations, the main feature of Vue3 brings is the Composition API – a new way to write and reuse reactive code. Let's learn more about how to use Composition API efficiently.

Besides core Vue3 features we'll explain examples of how to use popular libraries with Vue3.

Table of contents:
- Introduction to Vue3
- Composition API
- Core libraries
- Vue3 ecosystem

IDE of choice (Inellij or VSC) installed
Nodejs + NPM
Using Nitro – Building an App with the Latest Nuxt Rendering Engine
117 min
Using Nitro – Building an App with the Latest Nuxt Rendering Engine
Top Content
Daniel Roe
Daniel Roe
We'll build a Nuxt project together from scratch using Nitro, the new Nuxt rendering engine, and Nuxt Bridge. We'll explore some of the ways that you can use and deploy Nitro, whilst building a application together with some of the real-world constraints you'd face when deploying an app for your enterprise. Along the way, fire your questions at me and I'll do my best to answer them.
Building Vue forms with VeeValidate
176 min
Building Vue forms with VeeValidate
Abdelrahman Awad
Abdelrahman Awad
In this workshop, you will learn how to use vee-validate to handle form validation, manage form values and handle submissions effectively. We will start from the basics with a simple login form all the way to using the composition API and building repeatable and multistep forms.

Table of contents:
- Introduction to vee-validate
- Building a basic form with vee-validate components
- Handling validation and form submissions
- Building validatable input components with the composition API
- Field Arrays and repeatable inputs
- Building a multistep form
VSCode setup and an empty Vite + Vue project.
Building full-stack GraphQL applications with Hasura and Vue 3
115 min
Building full-stack GraphQL applications with Hasura and Vue 3
Gavin Ray
Gavin Ray
The frontend ecosystem moves at a breakneck pace. This workshop is intended to equip participants with an understanding of the state of the Vue 3 + GraphQL ecosystem, exploring that ecosystem – hands on, and through the lens of full-stack application development.

Table of contents
- Participants will use Hasura to build out a realtime GraphQL API backed Postgres. Together we'll walk through consuming it from a frontend and making the front-end reactive, subscribed to data changes.
- Additionally, we will look at commonly-used tools in the Vue GraphQL stack (such as Apollo Client and Urql), discuss some lesser-known alternatives, and touch on problems frequently encountered when starting out.
- Multiple patterns for managing stateful data and their tradeoffs will be outlined during the workshop, and a basic implementation for each pattern discussed will be shown.
Workshop level

NOTE: No prior experience with GraphQL is necessary, but may be helpful to aid understanding. The fundamentals will be covered.
A Different Vue into Web Performance
72 min
A Different Vue into Web Performance
Abhijeet Prasad
Abhijeet Prasad
Solving your front-end performance problems can be hard, but identifying where you have performance problems in the first place can be even harder. In this workshop, Abhijeet Prasad, software engineer at Sentry.io, dives deep into UX research, browser performance APIs, and developer tools to help show you the reasons why your Vue applications may be slow. He'll help answer questions like, "What does it mean to have a fast website?" and "How do I know if my performance problem is really a problem?". By walking through different example apps, you'll be able to learn how to use and leverage core web vitals, navigation-timing APIs, and distributed tracing to better understand your performance problems.
Building for Web and Native with Ionic & Vue
89 min
Building for Web and Native with Ionic & Vue
Mike Hartington
Mike Hartington
When building an app, there are many options choices developers need to make. Is it a web app? Does need to be a native app? What should I use for UI? In this workshop will look at how to make use of Ionic for building your app and how to deploy it to not only the web, but native as well.