#server cache

Server cache is a way of storing data temporarily in a server's memory. It allows for faster access to frequently requested data, as it can be retrieved from the cache instead of having to fetch it from its original source. This helps reduce the load on the server and speeds up the response time for requests. In JavaScript, server caching can be used to store compiled code or other data that can be reused across multiple requests.
Local State and Server Cache: Finding a Balance
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
24 min
Local State and Server Cache: Finding a Balance
Top Content
This Talk discusses handling local state in software development, particularly when dealing with asynchronous behavior and API requests. It explores the challenges of managing global state and the need for actions when handling server data. The Talk also highlights the issue of fetching data not in Vuex and the challenges of keeping data up-to-date in Vuex. It mentions alternative tools like Apollo Client and React Query for handling local state. The Talk concludes with a discussion on GitLab going public and the celebration that followed.
GraphQL Caching Demystified
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
21 min
GraphQL Caching Demystified
Today's Talk focuses on GraphQL caching and improving performance using Fastify and Mercurius. The experiment involves federated services, resolver caching, and load testing with AutoCANON. Enabling caching with a 0 second TTL can increase throughput by 4 times. The AsyncCacheDedupe module allows for efficient caching and avoiding unnecessary computations. Redis pipelining has improved requests per second by 100 times. Cache invalidation is an ongoing topic of development.
How to Edge Cache GraphQL APIs
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
23 min
How to Edge Cache GraphQL APIs
Max Stoiber, co-founder of GraphCDN, discusses the challenges faced with RethinkDB and the need for caching in a read-heavy API. He explores how GraphQL clients handle caching and the potential of running a GraphQL client at the edge for faster response times. Authorization and cache key management at the edge are also discussed, along with the benefits of edge-caching and the importance of caching in GraphQL APIs. The audience response reveals that a significant percentage are already caching their APIs, while different use cases for caching and the concept of edge computing are explained.
Everything You Need to Get Your GQL Server Production Ready
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
130 min
Everything You Need to Get Your GQL Server Production Ready
Uri Goldshtein
Uri Goldshtein
There are always a lot of questions and conference talks about bringing GraphQL servers into production, but there aren’t a lot of good concrete steps and actions to follow. In the workshop Uri (The founder of The Guild) will walk you through The Guild’s process of bringing GraphQL Server into production.

We will add:

- Powerful Caching
- Logging, Monitoring and tracing
- Security features like Auth, Error Masking, Persisted Operations, Depth and Rate limit
If you are planning to have your GraphQL server running in production, this is a must have workshop for you!