Matt Fellows
Matt Fellows is a core contributor to the Pact contract-testing framework, and co-founder of the microservices continuous delivery platform – Pactflow. A self-described polyglot who enjoys working at the intersection of technology, humans and ideas – ideally fully caffeinated. He's passionate about giving back to the tech community, sharing learnings at local meetups and conferences, and is a core contributor to the popular Pact microservices testing framework and author of the Muxy chaos testing tool. When not absorbing the Internet via osmosis, he can be found teaching kids at Code Club, playing basketball or pumping iron like Arnie.
Beyond Rest - Contract Testing in the Age of gRPC, Kafka and GraphQL
TestJS Summit 2022

22 min
Beyond Rest - Contract Testing in the Age of gRPC, Kafka and GraphQL

Modern distributed architectures are more complex than ever before, with a majority of companies operating multiple languages, protocols and architectural styles. This poses significant challenges for engineering teams increasingly asked to deliver more at speed. Whilst the practice of contract testing rose to prominence during the RESTful microservices boom to address similar challenges, the problem statement has evolved. In this talk, we'll discuss these new challenges and demonstrate how contract testing is still as relevant as it has ever been in helping to solve them.
Deploy with Speed and Confidence Using Contract Testing and Pact
Deploy with Speed and Confidence Using Contract Testing and Pact

It’s almost 2021 and we still rely on integrated environments and large end-to-end test suites to release complex, distributed applications called "software". In this talk, Matt breaks down the arguments for such nonsense and shows how a better, faster, safer alternative.