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React Advanced Conference 2024 logo
React Advanced Conference 2024
October 25 - 28, 2024
Productivity Conference 2024 logo
Productivity Conference 2024
November 6 - 7, 2024
JSNation US 2024 logo
JSNation US 2024
November 18 - 21, 2024
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React Summit US 2024
November 18 - 22, 2024
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React Day Berlin 2024
December 13 - 16, 2024
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Node Congress 2025
February, 2025
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JSNation 2025
June, 2025
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React Summit 2025
June, 2025
TechLead Conference 2025 logo
TechLead Conference 2025
June, 2025
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React Advanced Conference 2025
October, 2025
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JSNation US 2025
November, 2025
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React Summit US 2025
November, 2025
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TestJS Summit 2025
November, 2025

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Unlimited access to talk recordings and tech workshops for Multipass holders

Next to having an exclusive, early access to all the conference talk recordings, Multipass holders enjoy all our hands-on workshops recordings covering the most relevant practices for JavaScript engineers.

Llms Workshop: What They Are and How to Leverage Them
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
66 min
Llms Workshop: What They Are and How to Leverage Them
Featured Workshop
Nathan Marrs
Haris Rozajac
2 authors
Join Nathan in this hands-on session where you will first learn at a high level what large language models (LLMs) are and how they work. Then dive into an interactive coding exercise where you will implement LLM functionality into a basic example application. During this exercise you will get a feel for key skills for working with LLMs in your own applications such as prompt engineering and exposure to OpenAI's API.
After this session you will have insights around what LLMs are and how they can practically be used to improve your own applications.
Table of contents: - Interactive demo implementing basic LLM powered features in a demo app- Discuss how to decide where to leverage LLMs in a product- Lessons learned around integrating with OpenAI / overview of OpenAI API- Best practices for prompt engineering- Common challenges specific to React (state management :D / good UX practices)
Let AI Be Your Docs
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
69 min
Let AI Be Your Docs
Jesse Hall
Jesse Hall
Join our dynamic workshop to craft an AI-powered documentation portal. Learn to integrate OpenAI's ChatGPT with Next.js 14, Tailwind CSS, and cutting-edge tech to deliver instant code solutions and summaries. This hands-on session will equip you with the knowledge to revolutionize how users interact with documentation, turning tedious searches into efficient, intelligent discovery.
Key Takeaways:
- Practical experience in creating an AI-driven documentation site.- Understanding the integration of AI into user experiences.- Hands-on skills with the latest web development technologies.- Strategies for deploying and maintaining intelligent documentation resources.
Table of contents:- Introduction to AI in Documentation- Setting Up the Environment- Building the Documentation Structure- Integrating ChatGPT for Interactive Docs
Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire: A Manager's Guide to Helping New Developers Thrive
TechLead Conference 2024TechLead Conference 2024
35 min
Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire: A Manager's Guide to Helping New Developers Thrive
Andrew Coleburn
Andrew Coleburn
Onboarding to a new project can be difficult, no matter your background and experience. But it can be especially challenging for new developers straight out of school or a coding bootcamp. Drawing on personal experience as a bootcamp grad and JavaScript consultant, this talk will discuss tips and strategies for managers to help the new developers on their teams get their bearings in an unfamiliar codebase, so they can make more of an impact, faster!
Integrating LangChain with JavaScript for Web Developers
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
92 min
Integrating LangChain with JavaScript for Web Developers
Featured Workshop
Vivek Nayyar
Vivek Nayyar
Dive into the world of AI with our interactive workshop designed specifically for web developers. "Hands-On AI: Integrating LangChain with JavaScript for Web Developers" offers a unique opportunity to bridge the gap between AI and web development. Despite the prominence of Python in AI development, the vast potential of JavaScript remains largely untapped. This workshop aims to change that.Throughout this hands-on session, participants will learn how to leverage LangChain—a tool designed to make large language models more accessible and useful—to build dynamic AI agents directly within JavaScript environments. This approach opens up new possibilities for enhancing web applications with intelligent features, from automated customer support to content generation and beyond.We'll start with the basics of LangChain and AI models, ensuring a solid foundation even for those new to AI. From there, we'll dive into practical exercises that demonstrate how to integrate these technologies into real-world JavaScript projects. Participants will work through examples, facing and overcoming the challenges of making AI work seamlessly on the web.This workshop is more than just a learning experience; it's a chance to be at the forefront of an emerging field. By the end, attendees will not only have gained valuable skills but also created AI-enhanced features they can take back to their projects or workplaces.Whether you're a seasoned web developer curious about AI or looking to expand your skillset into new and exciting areas, "Hands-On AI: Integrating LangChain with JavaScript for Web Developers" is your gateway to the future of web development. Join us to unlock the potential of AI in your web projects, making them smarter, more interactive, and more engaging for users.
Frictionless Development With Unified Type System
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
113 min
Frictionless Development With Unified Type System
Featured Workshop
Ejiro Asiuwhu
Ejiro Asiuwhu
Imagine developing where frontend and backend sing in harmony, types dance in perfect sync, and errors become a distant memory. That's the magic of TypeScript Nirvana!
Join me on a journey to unveil the secrets of unified type definitions, the key to unlocking frictionless development. We'll dive into:
- Shared language, shared love: Define types once, share them everywhere. Consistency becomes your BFF, errors your worst nightmare (one you'll rarely see).- Effortless coding: Ditch the manual grind of type checking. TypeScript's got your back, freeing you to focus on building awesomeness.- Maintainability magic: With crystal-clear types guiding your code, maintaining it becomes a walk in the park. More time innovating, less time debugging.- Security fortress: TypeScript's type system shields your app from common vulnerabilities, making it a fortress against security threats.
Managers Are From Mars, Devs Are From Venus
TechLead Conference 2024TechLead Conference 2024
111 min
Managers Are From Mars, Devs Are From Venus
Mo Khazali
Mo Khazali
A Developer’s Guide to Communicating, Convincing, and Collaborating Effectively With Stakeholders
It’s a tale as old as time - collaboration between developers and business stakeholders has long been a challenge, with a lack of clear communication often leaving both sides frustrated. The best developers can deeply understand their business counterparts’ needs, effectively communicate technical strategy without losing the non-technical crowd, and convince the business to make the right decisions. Working at a consultancy, I’ve both failed and succeeded in architecting and “selling” technical visions, learning many lessons along the way.Whether you work at a product company, are a consultant/freelancer, or want to venture beyond just being a developer, the ability to convince and clearly communicate with stakeholders can set you apart in the tech industry. This becomes even more important with the rise of GenAI and the increasingly competitive developer market, as problem-solving and effective communication are key to positioning yourself.In this workshop, I’ll share real-world examples, both good and bad, and guide you through putting the theory into practice through dojos.
Learn to Build on WEB3 Like It’s WEB2
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
83 min
Learn to Build on WEB3 Like It’s WEB2
David Dal Busco
David Dal Busco
In this session, we will build and deploy a decentralized application from scratch and delve into its additional features, all while minimizing the complexity typically associated with learning blockchain technology.By the end of this session, I hope attendees will not only have a clearer understanding of blockchain development, but also realize that building in this space can be surprisingly straightforward and enjoyable.My goal is to share my enthusiasm for open-source development and the potential of Web3.
Master JavaScript Patterns
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
145 min
Master JavaScript Patterns
Featured Workshop
Adrian Hajdin
Adrian Hajdin
During this workshop, participants will review the essential JavaScript patterns that every developer should know. Through hands-on exercises, real-world examples, and interactive discussions, attendees will deepen their understanding of best practices for organizing code, solving common challenges, and designing scalable architectures. By the end of the workshop, participants will gain newfound confidence in their ability to write high-quality JavaScript code that stands the test of time.
Points Covered:
1. Introduction to JavaScript Patterns2. Foundational Patterns3. Object Creation Patterns4. Behavioral Patterns5. Architectural Patterns6. Hands-On Exercises and Case Studies
How It Will Help Developers:
- Gain a deep understanding of JavaScript patterns and their applications in real-world scenarios- Learn best practices for organizing code, solving common challenges, and designing scalable architectures- Enhance problem-solving skills and code readability- Improve collaboration and communication within development teams- Accelerate career growth and opportunities for advancement in the software industry
From Engineer to Leader: A Workshop for First-Time Tech Leaders
TechLead Conference 2024TechLead Conference 2024
144 min
From Engineer to Leader: A Workshop for First-Time Tech Leaders
Andrew Murphy
Andrew Murphy
Transitioning from an individual contributor role to a leadership position, especially in the fast-paced tech industry, is hugely challenging. Most new leaders don't receive any training at all in the first 10 years of their new responsibilities.Our comprehensive workshop is designed to assist new and emerging tech leaders in understanding their new roles and gaining the skills to make them confident, happy and effective leaders.
Unveiling Next.js Secret Sauce on the Edge
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
48 min
Unveiling Next.js Secret Sauce on the Edge
Mustafa Azim
Mustafa Azim
Next.js on the Edge with its new secrets sauce for better user experience and high performance. We will unveil Next.js secret sauce and the way of working to deliver the best user experience in Edge network and the new features including partial pre-rendering. How to make use of the Server component and its high performance on Edge network.
Table of the contents:- Intro to the Edge network- Edge runtime in V8- Use cases of the edge functions- Deploy a service on the edge network
OWASP Top Ten Security Vulnerabilities in Node.js
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
97 min
OWASP Top Ten Security Vulnerabilities in Node.js
Marco Ippolito
Marco Ippolito
In this workshop, we'll cover the top 10 most common vulnerabilities and critical security risks identified by OWASP, which is a trusted authority in Web Application Security.During the workshop, you will learn how to prevent these vulnerabilities and develop the ability to recognize them in web applications.The workshop includes 10 code challenges that represent each of the OWASP's most common vulnerabilities. There will be given hints to help solve the vulnerabilities and pass the tests.The trainer will also provide detailed explanations, slides, and real-life examples in Node.js to help understand the problems better. Additionally, you'll gain insights from a Node.js Maintainer who will share how they manage security within a large project.It's suitable for Node.js Developers of all skill levels, from beginners to experts, it requires a general knowledge of web application and JavaScript.
Table of contents:- Broken Access Control- Cryptographic Failures- Injection- Insecure Design- Security Misconfiguration- Vulnerable and Outdated Components- Identification and Authentication Failures- Software and Data Integrity Failures- Security Logging and Monitoring Failures- Server-Side Request Forgery
Leveraging LLMs to Build Intuitive AI Experiences With JavaScript
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
108 min
Leveraging LLMs to Build Intuitive AI Experiences With JavaScript
Featured Workshop
Roy Derks
Shivay Lamba
2 authors
Today every developer is using LLMs in different forms and shapes, from ChatGPT to code assistants like GitHub CoPilot. Following this, lots of products have introduced embedded AI capabilities, and in this workshop we will make LLMs understandable for web developers. And we'll get into coding your own AI-driven application. No prior experience in working with LLMs or machine learning is needed. Instead, we'll use web technologies such as JavaScript, React which you already know and love while also learning about some new libraries like OpenAI, Transformers.js

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The following example illustrates the deduction on the React Summit PRO workshop price. The total discounted amount may vary for each event.
