#code quality

Code quality is a measure of how well written, organized, and maintainable a piece of code is. It is important for any programming language, but especially so for JavaScript due to its dynamic nature. Good code quality means that the code is easy to read and understand, has good structure and organization, and is easy to modify or extend. It also means that the code is secure, efficient, and performs as expected. In short, it is the practice of writing code that is clean, efficient, and bug-free.
How AI Can Automate 70% of Code Review: Reducing Burden and Improving Code Quality
Productivity Conf for Devs and Tech LeadersProductivity Conf for Devs and Tech Leaders
Mar 27, 18:30
How AI Can Automate 70% of Code Review: Reducing Burden and Improving Code Quality
AI-driven code review tools are transforming the development lifecycle by automating repetitive checks and highlighting code smells. This session will explore how AI reduces manual effort, improves detection accuracy, and enhances the overall quality of code.
Scaling Fast – Engineering Lessons From ~15 Years of Tech Startups
React Advanced 2024React Advanced 2024
27 min
Scaling Fast – Engineering Lessons From ~15 Years of Tech Startups
Hey, we'll discuss scaling fast and engineering lessons learned in the last 15 years of tech startups. Scaling involves three things: business, team, and tech. Business scalability relies on sales and customer acquisition costs. Engineering is a tool the business uses. Scaling the team is vital as tech problems are often people problems. Team structure affects architecture and product development process. Organize teams based on purpose, not technology. Spend less time being blocked by other teams. Ship features without getting blocked. Own your own mess. Focus on product engineering partnership. Build faster using feedback cycles. Build appropriate solutions for your use case. Let go of ego and experiment with different approaches. Engineers own their own mess. Avoid work in progress. Finish the work and focus on fixing it later. Have a conversation before writing code. Scaling the tech is easier than you think. Pick an off the shelf design. Save innovation for core parts. Pick existing solutions. Focus on solving the problem. Don't waste time trying to predict future scale. Scale will surprise you. Do what works for your business. Push back on unnecessary complexity. Understand the cost of ideas. Modify the situation to fit existing design. Architecture is like a dependency graph on your code. Reduce architectural complexity by organizing code based on what it does. Use vertical models and avoid creating excessive dependencies. On the client, use vertical modules. On the back end, consider a service-oriented architecture. Start with a monolith and transition to microservices if necessary. Use folders instead of microservices when you have a small team. Use vertical models and contract or type-driven development to define clear APIs and interfaces. Avoid highly interconnected code and duplication. Focus on data structures to avoid complexity and the need for translation layers. Building translation layers can lead to slow user experience. Vertical teams aligned with vertical code allow for fast problem-solving, full control of features, and efficient data handling. Understanding the entire domain enables faster development with fewer bugs.
State of DevOps - A Continuous Improvement Story
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
12 min
State of DevOps - A Continuous Improvement Story
Amanda Lewis
Nathen Harvey
2 authors
This Talk discusses the story of continuous improvement in software development. It emphasizes the importance of measuring software delivery performance using metrics such as lead time, deployment frequency, change fail rate, and time to restore. Code reviews play a significant role in improving software delivery, and exploring the potential impact of AI on code reviews is recommended. Focusing on documentation and proper utilization of the cloud can improve organizational performance. Finally, a good culture, user focus, and collaborative platform team are crucial for success in software development.
What I Learned About Software Quality From The 10 Most Popular Javascript Projects On Github
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
27 min
What I Learned About Software Quality From The 10 Most Popular Javascript Projects On Github
The Talk discusses the code review process and the importance of software quality. It emphasizes the need for maintainability in code and the use of guidelines tailored to the team. The Talk also highlights the significance of functional suitability and the challenges of code review. Automation and documentation are recommended to improve code reviews and ensure software quality.
Road to Zero Lint Failures: Tackling Code Quality Challenges at Scale
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
11 min
Road to Zero Lint Failures: Tackling Code Quality Challenges at Scale
Watch video: Road to Zero Lint Failures: Tackling Code Quality Challenges at Scale
This Talk discusses the journey from thousands of Lint failures to zero in a codebase at Linton that is over 80 years old. The approach involved implementing rules, incentives, and tooling to address the issue. The tool called Checkup was used to visualize ESLint failures by team and lint rule, providing accountability and responsibility. The efforts resulted in cleaning up over 6,000 lint failures, with 55 contributors, and a 30% increase in perceived code quality.
React Code Reviews in Open Source: Ensuring Quality and Collaboration
React Advanced 2023React Advanced 2023
6 min
React Code Reviews in Open Source: Ensuring Quality and Collaboration
Watch video: React Code Reviews in Open Source: Ensuring Quality and Collaboration
Open Source promotes accessibility, inclusivity, collaboration, innovation, transparency, and trust. Code reviews are a collaborative process in software development, with challenges including language barriers, documentation changes, and review backlog. Best practices for effective code reviews include clear objectives, focusing on the code, and using code review tools. Linters are important for scanning code issues, and measuring success in code reviews can be done using key metrics. React Code Reviews are crucial for the success of open-source projects.
The Future Stack of Code Review
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
22 min
The Future Stack of Code Review
The Talk discusses the challenges of code reviews and the need to redefine the code review process in light of changes in software development. It emphasizes the importance of collaboration, security, performance, and clean code in the new stack of code review. The Talk also highlights the benefits of automating code review comments and optimizing the code review process. Overall, the Talk aims to build a better code review process that promotes collaboration and improves the quality of software development.
Next Generation Code Architecture for Building Maintainable Node Applications
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
30 min
Next Generation Code Architecture for Building Maintainable Node Applications
Today's Talk focused on code architecture, modularization, and scaling in software development. The speaker discussed the benefits of separating code by domain and using tools like NX to improve productivity and enforce modular architecture. They also highlighted the importance of automating library creation and configuration. Additionally, the Talk covered code scaling and deployment strategies, including caching and automated code migrations. The speaker emphasized the flexibility and scalability of Fastify and the advantages of using a monorepo for front-end and back-end development.
How I Automated Code Changes for 100 Repositories: Getting Started With Codemods
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
28 min
How I Automated Code Changes for 100 Repositories: Getting Started With Codemods
This Talk discusses automating code changes for Android repositories, utilizing tools like JSCodeShift and Abstract Syntax Tree. The speaker shares a real use case example of maintaining a design system library and making changes to a component. The talk emphasizes the importance of automating repetitive tasks and using the power of abstract syntax tree for code changes. The Q&A session covers topics like source code formatting, TypeScript support, and cultural embedding of code mods. The talk concludes with insights on when automation is worth it and the limitations of code mods for monorepo changes.
How to Use Gamification to Improve Quality on Your Project
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
13 min
How to Use Gamification to Improve Quality on Your Project
Welcome to my talk on using gamification to improve quality. Code quality is crucial and involves maintaining technical debt, ensuring maintainability, and prioritizing delivery and quality. To improve code quality, create a new standard, automate enforcement, and motivate teams. Resolving merge conflicts by removing warnings and automating warning decrease and error reduction can prevent future issues. Strive for zero errors by finding a balance, enhancing tools, blocking pull requests with errors, and incentivizing developers.
Bring Code Quality and Security to your CI/CD pipeline
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
76 min
Bring Code Quality and Security to your CI/CD pipeline
Elena Vilchik
Elena Vilchik
In this workshop we will go through all the aspects and stages when integrating your project into Code Quality and Security Ecosystem. We will take a simple web-application as a starting point and create a CI pipeline triggering code quality monitoring for it. We will do a full development cycle starting from coding in the IDE and opening a Pull Request and I will show you how you can control the quality at those stages. At the end of the workshop you will be ready to enable such integration for your own projects.
You're 5 Minutes Away from Code Quality & Code Security
DevOps.js Conf 2021DevOps.js Conf 2021
7 min
You're 5 Minutes Away from Code Quality & Code Security
Sonar Cloud makes it easy to set up projects for code quality and security analysis. It automatically analyzes code and provides insights into bugs, vulnerabilities, and other issues. The UI helps understand vulnerability flow across functions and files. Sonar Cloud supports multiple languages and offers rule descriptions and code samples for best practices. Overall, it simplifies code analysis and helps developers improve code quality.
Accelerating Code Quality with DORA Metrics
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
27 min
Accelerating Code Quality with DORA Metrics
This Talk discusses the Dora Metrics and their relation to continuous code improvement. High and elite performers deploy more frequently and have a lower change failure rate. Continuous code improvement involves identifying and fixing bugs in real time. Rollbar is a continuous code improvement platform that provides visibility into actionable errors. It helps organizations reduce the risk of losing customers and optimize developer productivity. Rollbar's unique error fingerprints and advanced features enable a deeper understanding of issues and faster resolution.