Video: Development History of Zustand

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This talk delves into the development history of Zustand, a state management library for React. Zustand is known for its minimal API and small bundle size, making it an efficient choice for managing global state in React applications. The library, which avoids using React context, was first released in April 2019. The latest version of Zustand includes improvements like the useSyncExternalStore hook from React 18, enhancing its concurrent rendering capabilities. Zustand's ecosystem is growing, with over 800 libraries depending on it, and it focuses on immutability and a unique setState function. The talk also compares Zustand with Jotai, another state management library that uses atoms for state management, avoiding selectors and re-evaluating functions when dependencies change. Future plans for Zustand include dropping support for React 17 and focusing on concurrency support and stability.

This talk has been presented at React Summit 2023, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.

Daishi Kato
Daishi Kato
19 min
06 Jun, 2023


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