JavaScript experts, mentors, speakers

Explore personalities and their talks, workshops, videos, and articles. While we focus primarily on JavaScript and frameworks like React, Vue, Svelte, and Node, you may find experts on other fields on our Portal. To name a few – Testing, DevOps, Machine Learning, and many more!
Satoshi Nakajima
Satoshi Nakajima
The Neural Enterprise & Singularity Society, USA
Software Engineer, Entrepreneur, AI engineer, Chairman/founder of The Neural Enterprise inc., Chairman of Singularity Society
Shawn Swyx Wang
Shawn Swyx Wang
Latent.Space, Singapore
Swyx is passionate about Developer Tooling and Developer Communities. He is currently Editor of Latent.Space. Swyx is an author of the Coding Career Handbook for Junior to Senior developer careers. In his free time he teaches React, TypeScript, Storybook and Node.js CLI's at, and helps run the Svelte Society community of meetups.
Una Kravets
Una Kravets
Google, USA
I lead the UI & Tooling Developer Relations Team at Google Chrome. Our team focuses on making the web platform easier to use and more robust for developers, primarily through CSS, HTML, and DevTools capabilities (with some JavaScript mixed in too). We help design web platform APIs, build samples to identify bugs and demonstrate use cases, research and help prioritize what to add to the platform, and share all the new stuff with you! It’s a pretty meta role, and I love getting to play a small part in supporting the evolving web ecosystem. I’m also a member of the CSS Working Group and OpenUI Community Group.
Charity Majors
Charity Majors, USA
Charity is the co-founder and CTO of [](, the O.G. observability platform. She is the co-author of Observability Engineering and Database Reliability Engineering (O'Reilly), and has worked at companies like Parse, Facebook and Linden Lab. She loves free speech, free software and single malt scotch, and writes about startups, technology and leadership at []( and [](
Ryan Dahl
Ryan Dahl
Deno, USA
Ryan is a creator of Node.js and Deno. He studied mathematics at UCSD and the University of Rochester before pursuing software engineering professionally. He has worked in various parts of the software - from server infrastructure to machine learning research. His current role is as the co-founder and CEO of Deno Land Inc.
Chris Bautista
Chris Bautista
Netflix, USA
Chris is a senior software engineer at Netflix. He's also a part time host for Podrocket and a core contributor to tRPC. He started his career in mainframe programming, stumbled through backend development for 5 years, and eventually found his love for web dev. He enjoys keeping up with the latest tech news and trends via his twitter echo chamber, pretending he has knowledge on TypeScript, and exposing his true programming skill on Twitch (he has none). He also loves teaching others and being a helpful resource within his community.
Hassan El Mghari
Hassan El Mghari
Full-Stack Engineer, USA
I'm a full-stack software engineer based in Philadelphia. I founded UltraShock Gaming, a game marketing startup with a community of 500,000 members on Steam, and ran it for 4 years before selling it. I'm passionate about startups in the developer tools space and building interesting side projects. I graduated with a B.S in computer engineering from Drexel and am currently working as a developer advocate for Vercel. When I'm not coding, I'm playing soccer, reading, writing or enjoying some good food with friends.
Mark Dalgleish
Mark Dalgleish
Shopify, Australia
CSS Modules co-creator / Vanilla Extract / Remix team member at Shopify / MelbJS ogranizer / dad x4.
Andrew Clark
Andrew Clark
Vercel, USA
Software Engineer at Vercel. He was part of the React core team for years at Meta prior to joining us about nine months ago and he will provide an interesting perspective as a web developer that has spent time at React and is now working on Next.js at Vercel.
Pariss Athena
Pariss Athena
G2i, USA
Pariss is a front-end developer who works for G2i as a Hiring Team Member, vetting React and React Native engineers for remote contract roles. She is also creator of #BlackTechTwitter and Founder of Black Tech Pipeline.
Three.js, Japan
Author of Three.js.
Thomas Wolf
Thomas Wolf
HuggingFace, Netherlands
Thomas Wolf is co-founder and Chief Science Officer of HuggingFace. His team is on a mission to catalyze and democratize NLP research. Prior to HuggingFace, Thomas gained a Ph.D. in physics, and later a law degree. He worked as a physics researcher and a European Patent Attorney.
Tanner Linsley
Tanner Linsley, USA
Tanner Linsley is an entrepreneur and open source creator who loves React and JavaScript. He has built and still maintain several well-known open source libraries like React Query, React Table, React Virtual, React Form, React Charts, React Static, and even Chart.js He co-founded 6 years ago and is currently helping it grow as VP of UI and UX. When not programming, Tanner spends his free time traveling, recording music, film-making, and vacationing with his wife and children.
Jared Palmer
Jared Palmer
Formium, USA
Creator of Turborepo, a high-performance build system for JavaScript and TypeScript codebases. Jared is the founder of Formium, a developer-focused workflow for building forms and surveys. Prior to that, Jared was the Engineering Lead at The Palmer Group, a strategy, design, and engineering firm based in New York City. He is also the co-host of The Undefined Podcast. An educator, speaker, and open source software enthusiast, Jared is the author of popular projects including Formik, Razzle, After.js, TSDX, Backpack, The Platform, and react-fns. Prior to The Palmer Group, Jared created Skiptu, a content management platform and application framework for Android lockscreens purchased by Unilever.
Christian Heilmann
Christian Heilmann
WeAreDevelopers, Germany
Chris is a highly skilled Front End Architect, Manager and Team Lead with over 25 years of experience in web technologies. He has a passion for breaking down complex technical concepts and presenting them in an understandable format to various audiences. He is excited about the potential of Machine Learning/AI in the creation and development space, and he works closely with different parts of the company to integrate these technologies into our work. Chris has been working across organisations and locales for over 15 years, leading teams and communicating across departments in the US, UK, China and India. He is the author of the Developer Advocacy Handbook, continuously updated since 2006 and the first JavaScript book to cover AJAX. He is a freelance writer for the German IT portal Golem and various online magazines He published videos for Visual Studio Code, helping them reach their 200k follower numbers on YouTube and breaking the 1.4M views barrier on TikTok for one video.
Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson
React Training, USA
Building Remix, founder of React Training and creator of UNPKG. Father of 2 sons and 2 daughters. Speaker and writer.
David Khourshid
David Khourshid
Stately, USA
David Khourshid (known on Twitter as David K. Piano) is a software engineer for Microsoft, a tech author, and speaker. Also a fervent open-source contributor, he is passionate about statecharts and software modeling, reactive animations, innovative user interfaces, and cutting-edge front-end technologies. When not behind a computer keyboard, he’s behind a piano keyboard or traveling.
Yehuda Katz
Yehuda Katz
Tilde, Inc., USA
Over the years, Yehuda has worked on a number of open source projects, including Ruby on Rails, jQuery and Rust. He also created some of his own, including Handlebars, Ember.js and Cargo (Rust's package manager). At the moment, he's working on a new library that extracts the best part's of Ember's auto-tracking reactivity system into a package that you can use in any UI framework. That's what this talk is about!
Scott Tolinski
Scott Tolinski
Co-host of, USA
I own and make video tutorials teaching web development for Level Up Tutorials, releasing a new premium series every month. I also co-host with Wes Bos. Syntax is a popular, light hearted web development podcast that teaches full stack topics while staying fun. I enjoy breaking also known as breakdancing, and have been dancing for over 15 years doing shows for professional NFL and NBA teams. I'm inspired by a hot cup of green tea, excellent music, and Shaw Bros. kung fu movies.
React Academy, Poland
Kitze loves to rant about webdev. He is the founder of founded Sizzy - the browser for developers. He created React Academy to teach web development. He's the creator of Zero To Shipped - the interactive video course for mastering Fullstack Development. He's documenting his journey on YouTube, steams on Twitch and has a blog that he maintains one in a blue moon. He made Benji, Twizzy,, JSUI, Glink, showGPT and etc.
Christopher Chedeau
Christopher Chedeau
Facebook, USA
Facebook Front-End Engineering Manager
Minko Gechev
Minko Gechev
Google, USA
Minko the product lead for Angular at Google. Previously, he was a technical co-founder and the CTO of, which in 2019 joined Coursera.
Jason Lengstorf
Jason Lengstorf
Netlify, USA
Jason Lengstorf works at Netlify and hosts Learn With Jason. He spends a lot of time telling people that the formula for success and happiness is to lift each other up and share what we learn. He is trying his very best to follow his own advice. He lives in Portland, Oregon.
Marc Backes
Marc Backes
WeAreDevelopers, Luxembourg
DevRel Lead at WeAreDevelopers, Co-organizer of BELvue, freelance fullstack developer