Minko Gechev
Minko the product lead for Angular at Google. Previously, he was a technical co-founder and the CTO of Rhyme.com, which in 2019 joined Coursera.
Resourceful Suspense
JSNation 2025

Resourceful Suspense

In modern apps we have millions of lines of code with data coming from a variety of data sources. To achieve swift user experience using a suspense-like pattern is non-negotiable. Only if there's something that could manage the complexities in suspense with prefetching, waterfalls, data dependencies, etc. How can we make suspense more resourceful?In this talk we'll see how templating and signals make the suspense pattern a breeze in Angular. Suspend your disbelief! There's a simpler async state with resources.
Future of Frontend Frameworks Fireside Chat
React Summit 2024

28 min
Future of Frontend Frameworks Fireside Chat

Angular Renaissance
JSNation 2024

29 min
Angular Renaissance

For the past 18 months Angular has been experiencing a lot of momentum that the community has been referring to as the "Angular Renaissance."In this talk we'll see how this manifests in improvements in developer experience, performance, documentation, and a better look!
Angular Momentum
JSNation 2023

22 min
Angular Momentum

In this talk you'll learn all about the renaissance Angular has been going through! First, we'll look into how the framework embraced fine-grained reactivity with signals to boost its runtime performance by orders of magnitude.
After that we'll dive into applying a similar fine-grained approach to code loading to make everything load faster. At the end, you'll learn about the tooling you can leverage to land all this in your apps!
After that we'll dive into applying a similar fine-grained approach to code loading to make everything load faster. At the end, you'll learn about the tooling you can leverage to land all this in your apps!
The State of Angular
JSNation Live 2020

36 min
The State of Angular

In this presentation, we’ll look at the current state of Angular and its tooling infrastructure. We’ll discuss what features enabled the latest version of our rendering engine Ivy and how you can take advantage of them today.
Along the way, we’ll look at the work we did to ensure small bundle size and fast execution! In the second part of the talk, we’ll focus on the tooling that Angular provides to help you deliver apps quickly and efficiently.
Along the way, we’ll look at the work we did to ensure small bundle size and fast execution! In the second part of the talk, we’ll focus on the tooling that Angular provides to help you deliver apps quickly and efficiently.