JavaScript experts, mentors, speakers

Explore personalities and their talks, workshops, videos, and articles. While we focus primarily on JavaScript and frameworks like React, Vue, Svelte, and Node, you may find experts on other fields on our Portal. To name a few – Testing, DevOps, Machine Learning, and many more!
Miško Hevery
Miško Hevery, USA
As CTO, Miško oversees the technology division that powers the applications and software. Before joining, he created Open Source platforms for Google, including Angular, AngularJS and was co-creator of Karma. While at Google, he brought a testing culture there with his blog. Before focusing on making the web better, he believes testing is the key to success. Miško started his career designing digital circuits and moved to databases, full-stack development and finally, front-end frameworks, giving him a unique perspective. He understands all of the layers from the web down to a transistor. In addition to Google, he worked for tech powerhouses Adobe Systems and Sun Microsystems. He holds an MS/BS from Rochester Institute of Technology and an MBA from Santa Clara University.
Eleftheria Batsou
Eleftheria Batsou
CrabNebula, Greece
Mentorship available
A Community Manager with a coding background who is also keen on UX research. Passionate about public speaking, dev community growth and sharing.
Anthony Fu
Anthony Fu
NuxtLabs, France
Creator of Vitest, Slidev, VueUse, UnoCSS, Elk, Type Challenges and others. Core team member of Vue, Nuxt and Vite. Outside of programming, Anthony enjoys doing photography and traveling.
James Q Quick
James Q Quick
Learn Build Teach LLC, USA
James is a JS Developer, Keynote Speaker, and Content Creator whose passion for teaching has impacted hundreds of thousands of developers across the world. With 10+ years of Software Development and Developer Advocacy experience, he brings deep technical knowledge as well as a proven ability to communicate across levels of understanding and experience to impact a broad audience of developers. In his spare time, he runs a thriving Discord community called Learn Build Teach, plays co-ed soccer with his wife, and can solve a Rubik's cube in under a minute.
Frantz Kati
Frantz Kati
Udemy instructor, Nigeria
Frantz Kati is a software engineer with a passion for teaching and building open source developer tools. He's a Udemy instructor with over 75,000 students, creator and editor of the Tech Career Growthletter with 17,000 readers, and currently the core maintainer of the headless open source CMS TenseiJS.
Andreas Müller
Andreas Müller
Microsoft, USA
Andreas Müller is a Principal Research SDE at Microsoft, where he works on the interface of the Data Science ecosystem and cloud infrastructure. He previously held positions as Associate Research Scientist at the Columbia Data Science Institute and as a Research Engineer at the NYU Center for Data Science. He is one of the core developers of the scikit-learn machine learning library, a member of the scikit-learn technical committee, and the author of the book "Introduction to machine learning with Python". His work focuses on practical aspects of machine learning and the development of user-centric machine learning software.
Charlie Gerard
Charlie Gerard
Netlify, France
Charlie is a front-end developer at Netlify, a Mozilla Tech Speaker and Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies. She is passionate about creative coding and building interactive prototypes mixing science, art and technology. She also spends time giving back to the community by mentoring new developers, contributing to open-source projects, and speaking at conferences.
Carson Gross
Carson Gross
Big Sky Software, USA
Carson Gross is a developer and the creator of htmx, a hypermedia-oriented JavaScript library. He teaches Computer Science at Montana State University and owns Big Sky Software.
Max Stoiber
Max Stoiber
GraphCDN, Austria
JavaScript Engineer from Austria in love with React and Node. Previously he worked at GitHub, who acquired the startup he co-founded, Spectrum. He is well known for making styled-components, react-boilerplate, and a wide variety of other open source projects in the React ecosystem.
Paul Henschel
Paul Henschel
react-three-fiber, Switzerland
Front-end developer. Currently living in St. Gallen, Switzerland. Founder of Luxundlaune, a photography platform in Germany, Paranoidandroid, a custom rom for Android and several open source projects including react-spring, react-three-fiber, react-use-gesture, zustand.
Ken Wheeler
Ken Wheeler
React Artist, USA
Core Architecture@[REDACTED], ReactJS Advocate, Speaker, Producer, Synthwave Artist, Google Dev Expert.
Caleb Porzio
Caleb Porzio
Creator of AlpineJS & LaravelLivewire, USA
Co-Host of @noplanstomerge podcast | Creator of LaravelLivewire & AlpineJS
Tracy Lee
Tracy Lee
This Dot Labs, USA
Tracy has been a startup founder for the past 16 years and is an angel investor focused on developer tooling. Her passion is helping entrepreneurs with go to market / marketing, development (management), and open source strategies. She loves talking about figuring out tactical ways to go to market, expand sales and drive customer acquisiton through automation. Tracy also is a JavaScript developer, on the RxJS core team, a Google Developer Expert, a Github Star, and a Microsoft MVP. She spends most of her time in the open source ecosystem, and building products and communities in this space. After her last exit in 2015, she started a consultancy called This Dot Labs, which serves clients such as Stripe, Xero, Docusign, Twilio, Roblox, Google, Cloudinary, Sentry, and more, but also helps startups get off the ground from POC to implementation. She is also a frequent keynote speaker at conferences. You can find her on Twitter @ladyleet or at
Matteo Collina
Matteo Collina
Platformatic, Italy
Matteo is the Co-Founder and CTO of with the goal to remove all friction from backend development. He is also a prolific Open Source author in the JavaScript ecosystem and modules he maintain are downloaded more than 12 billion times a year. Previously he was Chief Software Architect at NearForm, the best professional services company in the JavaScript ecosystem. In 2014, he defended his Ph.D. thesis titled "Application Platforms for the Internet of Things". Matteo is a member of the Node.js Technical Steering Committee focusing on streams, diagnostics and http. He is also the author of the fast logger Pino and of the Fastify web framework. Matteo is an renowed international speaker after more than 60 conferences, including OpenJS World, Node.js Interactive,, NodeSummit, JSConf.Asia, WebRebels, and JsDay just to name a few. He is also co-author of the book "Node.js Cookbook, Third Edition" edited by Packt. In the summer he loves sailing the Sirocco.
Jimmy Bogard
Jimmy Bogard
Jimmy Bogard Consulting LLC, USA
Jimmy is a software architect and consultant. He created the OSS libraries AutoMapper, MediatR, and Respawn. He helps teams build systems faster, better, and more maintainable.
Dominik Dorfmeister
Dominik Dorfmeister
Adverity, Austria
Dominik is a Frontend Engineer, React-Query maintainer and Tech Lead at Adverity (, who blogs about all things React and TypeScript (
Christian Nwamba
Christian Nwamba
Amazon, UK
Chris Nwamba is a Senior Developer Advocate at AWS focusing on AWS Amplify. He’s also a teacher and with years of experience building products and communities.
Saurav Jain
Saurav Jain
Amplication, India
Over the past two years, Saurav has been dedicated to fostering and growing a vibrant community of over 30,000 open-source developers. Saurav's expertise lies in running successful programs such as "Issues for First Timers," which has facilitated the onboarding of hundreds of new developers into the world of open source. With a strong online presence, Saurav has garnered a substantial following of over 40,000 on Twitter. He actively engages with the open-source community, sharing valuable insights, promoting collaboration, and advocating for the benefits of open-source software. Saurav's expertise in community management and his commitment to open-source development have earned him opportunities to speak at renowned conferences worldwide, including PyCon Ireland, PyCon Italy, FOSS Mumbai, OCD India,, and many more. As a speaker, Saurav brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, inspiring others to embrace open-source and contribute to its growth. Attendees can expect to gain valuable insights and practical strategies from Saurav's engaging and informative sessions, empowering them to navigate the open-source landscape and make a meaningful impact within their own communities.
Ryan Carniato
Ryan Carniato
Netlify, USA
As a JavaScript performance enthusiast, and fine-grained reactivity super-fan, Ryan is obsessively passionate about the future of JavaScript frameworks. He is the creator of SolidJS, and a maintainer of Marko.
Lydia Hallie
Lydia Hallie
Vercel, The Netherlands
Lydia Hallie is a software engineer specializing in TypeScript, React, and Web Performance. In her free time, she enjoys creating visualized resources on lower-level technical concepts. She currently works as Staff Developer Advocate at Vercel.
Tim Neutkens
Tim Neutkens
Vercel, The Netherlands
Tech lead for Next.js and Turbopack, co-author of Nextjs, MDX, Micro and ncc
Tom Preston-Werner
Tom Preston-Werner
RedwoodJS, USA
Tom Preston-Werner is an inventor, entrepreneur, investor and philanthropist. He is currently building RedwoodJS, Preston-Werner Ventures (investing in open source, dev tools, climate tech, AI), and 128 Collective (a climate think tank working on the just transition to 1.5 degrees). Tom also cofounded and was CEO of GitHub, and created Jekyll, SemVer, and TOML. He currently sits on the boards of Gitpod, Netlify, Mote Hydrogen, and Hack Club. Tom enjoys running, mountain biking, snowboarding, flying helicopters, baking sourdough, and eating tater tots.
Maggie Appleton
Maggie Appleton
Ought, UK
Maggie is a designer-developer-anthropologist-hybrid at She spends her time designing visual metaphors for invisible programming concepts, helping developers explain their wildly abstract thoughts, and overanalysing the JavaScript community’s strange cultural beliefs. She's also a digital gardening enthusiast and a Marmite lover.
Shu Ding
Shu Ding
Vercel, Germany
Shu is a designer and engineer at Vercel building Next.js. He is the creator and maintainer of OSS like SWR and Nextra. Besides JavaScript, he also enjoys generative art and algorithm challenges.