Rich Harris

Rich Harris

Recovering journalist, open source provocateur. Started Rollup and Svelte. On a mission to make web development fun.
North Star
JSNation US 2024JSNation US 2024
North Star
Svelte 5 is out, and it's radically different but intimately familiar.
Full Stack Documentation
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
28 min
Full Stack Documentation
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Interactive web-based tutorials have become a staple of front end frameworks, and it's easy to see why — developers love being able to try out new tools without the hassle of installing packages or cloning repos.But in the age of full stack meta-frameworks like Next, Remix and SvelteKit, these tutorials only go so far. In this talk, we'll look at how we on the Svelte team are using cutting edge web technology to rethink how we teach each other the tools of our trade.