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Leonardo Faife
👋 Hey there! I'm a 22-year-old developer who took the scenic route—switching from Digital Media to Computer Science-- turns out I went from capturing moments to debugging them. I have a growing passion for UI/UX Design and Web Development, crafting digital experiences that (hopefully) don’t make people rage-quit.
When I’m not busy coding, you’ll find me sleeping (a dev’s true passion) or watching Netflix, because even the best UI can’t beat a good binge session–however short-lived.
performanceblockchainreact componentsjavascriptbuild toolsnode.jscode qualityweb componentswebassemblysecurity testinganimationsapi securityfullstackvalidationtool buildingdatamicro-frontendsweb appsnpmartificial intelligencedebugauthenticationdocumentationdeveloper experiencebackendreact server componentsmobile appscontainers