Shivay Lamba

Shivay Lamba

Shivay Lamba is a software developer specializing in DevOps, Machine Learning and Full Stack Development. He is an Open Source Enthusiast and has been part of various programs like Google Code In and Google Summer of Code as a Mentor and has also been a MLH Fellow. He is actively involved in community work as well. He is a TensorflowJS SIG member, Mentor in OpenMined and CNCF Service Mesh Community, SODA Foundation and has given talks at various conferences like Github Satellite, Voice Global, Fossasia Tech Summit, TensorflowJS Show & Tell.
Build Privacy focused React Applications with Ollama, NextJS/React and LangChainJS
React Day Berlin 2024React Day Berlin 2024
Dec 4, 15:00
Build Privacy focused React Applications with Ollama, NextJS/React and LangChainJS
Today, most of the AI applications send data to LLM cloud providers like OpenAI, raising privacy concerns. This workshop an alternative and privacy focused way to build AI applications by running LLMs locally with Ollama that keep everything local on your computer. This approach allows to avoid sending sensitive information to external servers. The workshop also highlights LangChain's ability to create versatile AI agents capable of handling tasks autonomously by creating embeddings for the data. So come learn how can you build the next gen, privacy focused React application powered by Local LLMs.

The workshop covers the following topics:

1.Overview of cloud-based LLMs privacy issues and the importance of running Local LLM inferencing.

2.Detailed insights into generating embeddings with tools like Ollama and demonstrating how LangChain agents can perform tasks such as document summarisation and API interactions, all while maintaining data privacy in a NextJS / React application.

3.Discovering practical use-cases for this approach.
Decoding Vector Search and Embeddings for React Developers
React Day Berlin 2024React Day Berlin 2024
Decoding Vector Search and Embeddings for React Developers
In this talk we'll break down key Generative AI concepts like Vector Search and Vector Embeddings and how can React Developers leverage them with technologies like LangChainJS to build intuitive AI powered apps. We will discuss different AI enabled search experiences like vector and hybrid search approaches, exploring how each method works, their advantages and disadvantages, and practical use cases.

The talk will break down what can be overly complex concepts into practical takeaways for our everyday work as React/JavaScript developers. By the end of the session you'll have a better understanding of when and how to use different search techniques to optimize your user experience. Most importantly you will also learn how as a React developer we use can use these search techniques using open source tooling and libraries including some powerful search engines written in TS/JS and create AI powered applications in React. 
Leveraging LLMs to Build Intuitive AI Experiences for Web
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
Recording pending
Leveraging LLMs to Build Intuitive AI Experiences for Web
Today every developer is using LLMs in different forms and shapes, from ChatGPT to code assistants like GitHub CoPilot. Following this, lots of products have introduced embedded AI capabilities, and in this workshop we will make LLMs understandable for web developers. And we'll get into coding your own AI-driven application. No prior experience in working with LLMs or machine learning is needed. Instead, we'll use web technologies such as JavaScript, React which you already know and love while also learning about some new libraries like OpenAI, Transformers.js
Leveraging LLMs to Build Intuitive AI Experiences With JavaScript
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
108 min
Leveraging LLMs to Build Intuitive AI Experiences With JavaScript
Featured Workshop
Today every developer is using LLMs in different forms and shapes, from ChatGPT to code assistants like GitHub CoPilot. Following this, lots of products have introduced embedded AI capabilities, and in this workshop we will make LLMs understandable for web developers. And we'll get into coding your own AI-driven application. No prior experience in working with LLMs or machine learning is needed. Instead, we'll use web technologies such as JavaScript, React which you already know and love while also learning about some new libraries like OpenAI, Transformers.js
Beyond JavaScript: Maximizing React With Web APIs
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
10 min
Beyond JavaScript: Maximizing React With Web APIs
Watch video: Beyond JavaScript: Maximizing React With Web APIs
This lightning talk explores how you can enrich your React projects with Web APIs. From handling data to interacting with browser features, attendees will gain insights into leveraging the power of Web APIs for an enriched and efficient React development experience to highlight the out of the box capabilities offered by Browsers.
Giving Superpowers to Your React Apps with Machine Learning
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
11 min
Giving Superpowers to Your React Apps with Machine Learning
Watch video: Giving Superpowers to Your React Apps with Machine Learning
Have you ever questioned whether Javascript is a viable alternative to Python or R for creating machine learning models? After all, a 2019 survey by Stack Overflow found that Javascript is the language that developers use the most. Given that machine learning models like neural networks require a lot of computational power and that javascript was not intended for high-speed computing, this approach seems unreasonable. But hold on, this not entirely true, as javascript libraries like Onnx.js and Tensorflow.js are here to save the day! I'll be going into further detail on how to create intuitive and innovative machine learning applications with React in this talk.
Using MediaPipe to Create Cross Platform Machine Learning Applications with React
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
20 min
Using MediaPipe to Create Cross Platform Machine Learning Applications with React
This talk gives an introduction about MediaPipe which is an open source Machine Learning Solutions that allows running machine learning models on low powered devices and helps integrate the models with mobile applications. It gives these creative professionals a lot of dynamic tools and utilizes Machine learning in a really easy way to create powerful and intuitive applications without having much / no knowledge of machine learning beforehand. So we can see how MediaPipe can be integrated with React. Giving easy access to include machine learning use cases to build web applications with React.
Machine Learning based Unit Tesing in JavaScript
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
22 min
Machine Learning based Unit Tesing in JavaScript
The talk covers the current scenario of writing test cases in JavaScript and the problems associated with the time and resources spent by companies to write the test cases and the lack of automation in this area.Then the talk will cover how AI and machine learning is being leveraged by tools such as Github Copilot and Ponicode to autogenerate test cases thus simplifying the software testing process.
Server-Side Rendering Using WebAssembly
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
12 min
Server-Side Rendering Using WebAssembly
This talk shares how to achieve Server-side rendering using WebAssembly and WASMEdge which is a WebAssembly Runtime. The talk also covers the benefits of using WebAssembly to achieve Server Side Rendering. The talk will also cover a demo on how to launch a React application using the WasmEdge runtime.
High Performance Node.js Powered by Rust and WebAssembly
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
8 min
High Performance Node.js Powered by Rust and WebAssembly
In the post Moore’s Law era, due to limitations of the hardware, we need to squeeze more performance from the existing hardware. That means that the native code provides the best performance. However, the prevalence of native code on the server-side presents challenges to application safety and manageability. The rise and advent of Rust and WebAssembly offers new ways for developers to write high performance yet safe Node.js applications.
In this talk, I will cover the basics of Rust and WebAssembly, as well showcase how to go about their integration with Node.js. You will learn how and when to design a hybrid web application. How can you code the high performance functions in Rust in a Web Assembly virtual machine and finally how to tie everything together in a Node.js JavaScript application.
Predictive Testing in JavaScript with Machine Learning
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
18 min
Predictive Testing in JavaScript with Machine Learning
This talk will cover how we can apply machine learning to software testing including in Javascript, to help reduce the number of tests that need to be run.We can use predictive machine learning model to make an informed decision to rule out tests that are extremely unlikely to uncover an issue. This opens up a new, more efficient way of selecting tests.
Using MediaPipe to Create Cross Platform Machine Learning Applications with React
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
21 min
Using MediaPipe to Create Cross Platform Machine Learning Applications with React
Top Content
This talk gives an introduction about MediaPipe which is an open source Machine Learning Solutions that allows running machine learning models on low-powered devices and helps integrate the models with mobile applications. It gives these creative professionals a lot of dynamic tools and utilizes Machine learning in a really easy way to create powerful and intuitive applications without having much / no knowledge of machine learning beforehand. So we can see how MediaPipe can be integrated with React. Giving easy access to include machine learning use cases to build web applications with React.
Machine Learning in Node.js using Tensorflow.js
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
8 min
Machine Learning in Node.js using Tensorflow.js
Write and deploy machine learning models easily in Nodejs using Tensorflow.js.