April 17, 2025

Node Congress 2025
Master Fullstack: JS Backends, DevOps, Architecture
Full remote ticket included with Multipass.
A two-day conference on all things Node.js, DevOps, Edge-native workers (Cloudflare & others), Serverless, Deno & other JavaScript backend runtimes, gathering Back-end and Full-stack engineers across the globe.
Julián Duque
Heroku, St Petersburg, FL
Talk: The Hitchiker's Guide to Event Driven Architectures
Julián Duque is a Developer and Educator, Community Leader, Co-Organizer of NodeConf and JSConf in Colombia, Node.js Collaborator Emeritus, and currently working as a Principal Developer Advocate at Heroku.

Luca Mezzalira
AWS Cloud, UK
Talk: Thinking Like an Architect
Luca Mezzalira is principal solutions architect at AWS, an international speaker, and an author. Over the past 20 years, he’s mastered software architectures from frontend to the cloud, providing the right solution for the context of the job at hand. OReillyMedia Author

Yoni Goldberg
Independent Consultant, Athens, Greece
Talk: Inside the Engine: How Modern JS Test Runners Work and the Traps They Hide
Yoni Goldberg is an independent consultant who works with 500 Fortune corporates and garage startups on polishing their applications. He's the author of a handful of best practices collections on GitHub, with an overall 130,000 stars. More than any other topic he is fascinated by and aims to master the art of testing. In his spare time, he likes to write in his blog and debug production applications using console.log.

Alex Casalboni
Developer Advocate @ Edgee, Bologna, Italy
Talk: From Cloud to Edge Computing - Unleashing the Power of Webassembly at the Edge
Alex is a software engineer passionate about web technologies and music. He began working on web projects and sharing his experiences in 2011. His passion for programming spans different languages such as Python and JavaScript, as well as the open-source world and startups. Alex co-organizes the serverless meetup in Milan, a project that gave rise to conferences such as ServerlessDays. After spending 6 years helping developers and companies adopt cloud technologies, Alex returned to the startup life to help businesses adopt edge computing technologies and services.

Ulises Gascón
NodeSource, Spain
Talk: What is a Vulnerability and What’s Not? Making Sense of Node.js and Express Threat Models
Ulises Gascón is a Senior SWE at NodeSource. He is also a member of the Express Technical Committee (TC), a Node.js core collaborator and releaser, and a TC39 delegate. He has earned recognition as a Docker Captain, Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP), and Google Developer Expert (GDE) for his noteworthy contributions to the Node.js community.

Lizz Parody
NodeSource, Colombia
Talk: Using AI as Your Performance Expert in Node.js
Lizz is a community-taught Software Engineer focused on JavaScript. She organizes different community events such as JSConf Colombia, Pioneras Developers, Startup Weekend and has been a speaker at EmpireJS, MedellinJS, PionerasDev, Node+JS Interactive, NodeConf and others.
She loves sharing knowledge, promoting JavaScript and Node.js ecosystem and participating in key tech events and conferences to enhance her knowledge and network.

Harminder Virk
Medusa, India
Talk: Introducing AdonisJS - Your Gateway to Full-stack TypeScript Applications
Harminder Virk is a senior software engineer at Medusa. He has been actively involved in the open-source ecosystem for over a decade and has developed several widely used libraries, including VineJS, Youch, the Edge templating engine, and the AdonisJS framework.

Marco Ippolito
HeroDevs, Italy
Talk: The Path to Native TypeScript
Marco is a Senior Security Engineer at HeroDevs.
Active contributor, releaser, and member of the Node.js Technical Steering Committee, he is a renowned international speaker and a Microsoft MVP. Marco is actively involved in many projects within the Node.js ecosystem and also serves as a delegate in TC39.
Luca Del Puppo
Nearform, Italy
Talk: Bull-Ish Your Queues With BullMQ
I'm a Senior Software Developer, Microsoft MVP, Google Developer Expert Codemotion Ambassador and GitKraken Ambassador. I love JavaScript and TypeScript.
In my free time, I love studying new technologies, improving myself, creating YouTube content or writing technical articles. I can’t stay without trail running and love to do it in my love Dolomiti.
Tally Barak
Yoobic, Israel
Talk: Lock, Stock and Barrel - Simplify your Codebase
Tally has over 30 years of software development, product management, and consulting experience. Today Tally works for Yoobic as an architect responsible for all the Frontend tooling, testing, and DevOps processes.
Tally loves Javascript and its ecosystem and is happily sharing this knowledge with other developers. Playwright Ambassador.

Kim Maida
FusionAuth, USA
Talk: It’s Not Magic: Elevate Auth Security with PKCE Best Practices
Kim is a Developer Relations and Developer Experience leader and strategist, JS engineer, and identity and security standards stickler. She enjoys teaching, mentoring, and learning from folks in the product technology space. Kim is the Senior Director of Developer Relations at FusionAuth and is a Google Developer Expert in Identity. She loves to travel, overland cross-country, design stickers, and craft miniatures and artisan keycaps for mechanical keyboards.

Aileen Villanueva
Orama, Mexico
Talk: NodeJS & AI: Building Smarter Applications
My background includes 10 years experience in Web development and currently venturing into Machine Learning, I am deeply passionate about empowering and inspiring others, which is why I proudly serve as a Women Techmaker Ambassador, dedicated to sharing my knowledge and experiences with the community and fostering diversity in the tech industry.

Phil Hawksworth
Deno, UK
Talk: Dabbling With Deno — Tales From a Web Developer Playing With a New Toy
Phil is Head of Developer Relations at Deno.
With a passion for browser technologies, and the empowering properties of the web, he loves seeking out ingenuity and simplicity, especially in places where over-engineering is common. After 25 years of building web applications for companies such as Google, Apple, Nike, R/GA, and The London Stock Exchange, Phil has worked to challenge traditional technical architectures in favour of simplicity and effectiveness. Phil is co-author of “Modern Web Development on the Jamstack” (O’Reilly, 2019).