Alex Ruheni
Alex is a Developer Advocate at Prisma, where he's working to make databases easy and fun. He loves learning and teaching other developers. Every once in a while, he procrastinates by preaching to other developers to adopt Ts. He's also a mediocre photographer at best – but the camera covers that up for him.
The Edge & Databases: Everything Everywhere All at Once
Node Congress 2023

26 min
The Edge & Databases: Everything Everywhere All at Once

Cloudflare Workers and Edge Functions bring the Serverless model to the next level by letting developers deploy code instantly globally to give it exceptional performance, reliability, and scale.Having server-side applications execute close to where their users are located brings greater performance and drastically improves the user experience of an app. However, due to their limited runtime environment, working with your favorite traditional database is challenging since it can’t be accessed in CloudFlare Workers directly. Prisma solves this problem in multiple ways.The goal of the talk is for developers to understand what the Edge really means, how it works, and how to work with your favorite traditional database on the Edge.
Database Access on the Edge with Cloudflare Workers & Prisma
Node Congress 2022

31 min
Database Access on the Edge with Cloudflare Workers & Prisma

Edge functions are pushing the limit of serverless computing – but with new tools, come new challenges. Due to their limitations, edge functions don't allow talking to popular databases like PostgreSQL and MySQL. In this talk, you will learn how you can connect and interact with your database from Cloudflare Workers using the Prisma Data Proxy.
You can check the slides for Alex's talk here.
You can check the slides for Alex's talk here.