Angel Rivera

Angel Rivera

Angel started his career as an US Air Force Space Systems Operations specialist in Cape Canaveral AF Station where he realized his passion for technology and software development. He has extensive experience in the private, public and military sectors and his technical experience includes military/space lift operations, technical writing, software development, SRE/DevOPs engineering. He also has a wealth of experience in defense and federal sectors such as contracting, information systems security and management. You can usually find him speaking at or organizing local tech meetups and hackathons where he enjoys engaging with developers.
CI/CD 101 with CircleCI
DevOps.js Conf 2021DevOps.js Conf 2021
149 min
CI/CD 101 with CircleCI
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery/Deployment (CI/CD) concepts are increasingly adopted many technology organizations and teams. CI/CD enables teams to establish processes that increase velocity, collaboration and quality of their codebase. CI/CD enables developer & operations teams to break down unnecessary silos and gain a deeper knowledge of their respective arenas.
In this workshop the participants will be introduced to the basic fundamentals of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery/Deployment. Participants will learn the core principles of CI/CD and have the opportunity to reinforce what they’ve learned in a hands on workshop featuring the CircleCI platform. The workshop will demonstrate CI/CD build configuration, code commits, commit builds, code testing and packaging. The participants will leave with a hands-on experience and understanding of what it takes to CI/CD.
Table of contents- Introduction to the topic of CI/CD, and motivation for it- How different kinds of JavaScript projects are built and deployed (from static sites to APIs)- Overview of common manual steps & how we might automate them- Implementing a CI/CD pipeline from 'scratch'- Overview of CircleCI orbs- Testing across multiple versions of Node- Debugging builds with SSH- Caching dependencies- Security / vuln scanning- Deploying to various outlets
Prerequisites- Code and git installed- GitHub account
Increase App Confidence Using CI/CD and Infrastructure as Code
DevOps.js Conf 2021DevOps.js Conf 2021
31 min
Increase App Confidence Using CI/CD and Infrastructure as Code
Ever run code in CI/CD and builds pass only to fail during deployment? This presentation will discuss the advantages of Smoke Test patterns in CI/CD pipelines using Infrastructure as Code (IaC). Learn how teams can leverage automation to ensure apps are tested live in target environments which provide valuable insights pre-deployment. Angel will demonstrate how to leverage IaC to provision infrastructure, deploy apps, test then destroy all the resources created in a single CI/CD pipeline run.