Arseny Smoogly
Arseny helps client teams build dev processes and deliver web UIs as a Solution Architect at Rangle Amsterdam. Interested in that boring side effect of software development — generating product value — he's always happy to talk
about team decision-making, cost-benefit analysis and metrics. Of the 10+ years in frontend development, he spent 1 year building experiments to increase a signup conversion rate by 5 percentage points.
Rangle, Netherlandssmoogly
Find Out If Your Design System Is Better Than Nothing
React Summit 2022

20 min
Find Out If Your Design System Is Better Than Nothing

Building a design system is not enough. Your dev team has to prefer it over one-off components and third-party libraries. Otherwise, the whole effort is a waste of time. Learn how to use static code analysis to measure if your design system wins over the internal competition and data-driven ways to improve your position.