Caleb Porzio
Co-Host of @noplanstomerge podcast | Creator of LaravelLivewire & AlpineJS
How I Like to Write JavaScript
JSNation 2023

26 min
How I Like to Write JavaScript

I love writing JavaScript. It feels lightweight, free-form, and flexible--all qualities that boost creativity and invite me to practice new and interesting techniques. Over time, I've developed lots of patterns and principles that help me day to day. In this talk, I'll show you a handful of them and then we'll look at how I apply them inside the AlpineJS codebase itself. It's gonna be a good time!
Say No To Complexity With AlpineJS
JSNation Live 2020

33 min
Say No To Complexity With AlpineJS

Modern JavaScript is powerful, but big frameworks like Vue or React add an overwhelming amount of complexity to a developers' workflow. That’s why I wrote AlpineJS. It’s less than 10kb, requires no build process, takes almost no time to learn, yet gives you the declarative templating and reactivity you can’t live without. I can’t wait to show it to you.