Carolina Pascale Campos
Carolina is always exploring new paths and looking for new perspectives for solving problems.
As a computer scientist working at Briza, she loves to work in challenging industries, like insurance.
She believes that everyone is responsible for making the tech environment safer and diverse.
Pasta maker, coffee enthusiast and book lover.
Briza, BrazilCarolinaPascale
Building a Sustainable Codebase with FP
JSNation 2022

20 min
Building a Sustainable Codebase with FP

As software engineers we are always trying to be more productive, to deliver better code, and to have faster development feedback. In this talk, we'll explore how functional programming, tests and hexagonal architecture can perform great together in order to support a maintainable codebase for hundreds of engineers and services. Diving deeper on how we can leverage hexagonal architecture with dependency rejection in order to decouple decisions from effects, resulting in a code that is easier to reason, compose and test. The codebase is not the only one that takes advantages from that, but also the developers. It helps everyone feel more comfortable and engaged about maintaining good practices.