Christian Bromann

Christian Bromann

Christian Bromann is a member of the Open Source Program Office at Sauce Labs and is working on various open source projects related to test automation and Node.js. He represents the company as Advisory Committee representative at the W3C and the WebdriverIO project as core contributor in the OpenJS Foundation Cross-Project Council. In the past he has been leading various product initiatives at Sauce Labs including extended debugging capabilities for automated tests as well as frontend performance testing using WebDriver.
Introduction to JS Functional Testing at Scale
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
197 min
Introduction to JS Functional Testing at Scale
In this workshop we will take a look at the JavaScript framework landscape for automated functional testing, such as Puppeteer, Playright, Cypress, and others. We will explore what their differences are and how to choose the right tool for your project. Then, we will look at various scenarios, from basic functional test concepts to complex visual and frontend performance tests and complete the session with scaling up our solution using a cloud vendor like Sauce Labs.
The Evolution of Browser Automation
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
34 min
The Evolution of Browser Automation
In this session, we’ll take a look at what has happened behind the scenes in browser automation throughout the years and what the future will have in stock for us. We will examine how web testing will develop and what challenges this will bring for conventional frameworks like Selenium or WebdriverIO, as well as new frameworks such as Cypress, Puppeteer and Playwright. Lastly, we will experiment with some new automation capabilities these frameworks provide to test some of the new web features.