Christopher Ehrlich
Christopher is a Teacher turned Developer, obsessed with Frontend plumbing and DX. His goal is to help make it easier to create high quality web applications, by contributing to Open Source projects such as tRPC and Create T3 App, giving talks, and creating educational videos on YouTube.
How to Show 10 Million of Something: Frontend Performance Beyond Memoization
React Day Berlin 2024

29 min
How to Show 10 Million of Something: Frontend Performance Beyond Memoization

When discussing frontend performance, there are usually two topics: Lighthouse scores, and rerenders. But when working on applications that deal with large amounts of data and pagination is not an option, entirely different categories of optimizations become necessary.
Through the case study of Axiom's trace viewer, we will examine the solutions that keep your application running (and running fast!) each time your data size grows by an order of magnitude.
Through the case study of Axiom's trace viewer, we will examine the solutions that keep your application running (and running fast!) each time your data size grows by an order of magnitude.