Dan Vanderkam
Dan Vanderkam is the author of Effective TypeScript (O'Reilly 2019) and a Principal Software Engineer at Sidewalk Labs. He previously worked on open source genome visualizations at Mt. Sinai's Icahn School of Medicine and on search features used by billions of users at Google (try "population of france" or "sunset nyc"). He has a long history of working on open source projects, including the popular dygraphs library and source-map-explorer, a tool for visualizing JavaScript code size. He is also a co-founder of the NYC TypeScript meetup and blogs at effectivetypescript.com. When he's not programming, Dan enjoys playing bridge and climbing rocks near his home in New York's Hudson Valley.
TypeScript and the Database: Who Owns the Types?
TypeScript Congress 2022

27 min
TypeScript and the Database: Who Owns the Types?
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We all love writing types in TypeScript, but we often find ourselves having to write types in another language as well: SQL. This talk will present the choose-your-own-adventure story that you face when combining TypeScript and SQL and will walk you through the tradeoffs between the various options. Combined poorly, TypeScript and SQL can be duplicative and a source of headaches, but done well they can complement one another by addressing each other's weaknesses.