Daniel Rios Pavia
Daniel is a Lead Frontend Engineer in Design Systems at Personio based in Madrid, Spain. Previously
he was a core maintainer of Shopify's Hydrogen framework and had his own company yellowme.mx for seven years. Outside of work, He is into electronic music, guitars and tennis.
Little Bits of Iterative Component Design
React Day Berlin 2024

10 min
Little Bits of Iterative Component Design

What does a well-designed component API look like? Do you often find yourself forking components instead of extending them? Should you use props, hooks, or composition? In this lightning talk, I'll address common pitfalls in component design and share insights from my experience as a maintainer of Shopify's open-source framework, Hydrogen, and from building scalable design systems at Personio. By the end, I'll present a framework I use for iterating on and creating effective APIs.
Hydrogen: An Early Look at Server Components in the Wild
React Advanced 2022

7 min
Hydrogen: An Early Look at Server Components in the Wild

Shopify's Hydrogen framework has been released with an early version of React's server components. In this talk I will discuss: * What is Hydrogen? * What are server component and how are we using them? * How are they different than client and shared components? * How are server side rendering and server components different? * I'll also show examples in the wild After the talk I hope the attendees will understand the Hydrogen framework and React server components better.