David Woller

David Woller

David works as a post-sales Solutions Engineer at Rollbar, with a focus on customer enablement and custom solutions delivery. He is passionate about anything that combines technical learning with customer interaction, and is curious about finding ways to apply technology to improve the UX of everyday life. He has specific knowledge around software observability practices, and worked as a Professional Services Consultant at Sumo Logic before joining Rollbar in August. David earned a BS in Computer Science from Auburn University.
The Crash Course for Continuous Code Improvement
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
81 min
The Crash Course for Continuous Code Improvement
Every business today is a software business. Software is made of code. And code is meant to be improved. Yet developers get stuck reactively monitoring, investigating, and debugging code to fix issues. They lose too much time manually searching through logs, APM, and observability tools. Instead, they could be using that time to innovate. In this workshop, the participants will be introduced to the continuous code improvement platform that can help them see errors in real-time and gives them the tools needed to automate how they respond. Participants will learn how to instrument Rollbar's lightweight SDKs into their applications to capture uncaught exception errors as they happen along with the surrounding context and details. Participants will walk away with complete visibility on every error in their application, coupled with all the important data needed to make resolution painless.