Dmitry Kovalenko

Dmitry Kovalenko

Software engineer that have been doing react for years (I was material ui contribute for a while) and now passionate about Rust, OCaml and pure C. Love performant, robust and pretty applications and trying do deliver them on a regular basis :)
React via Rust and Rescript: Why and How?
React Day Berlin 2024React Day Berlin 2024
React via Rust and Rescript: Why and How?
I’ve done — it is an open source video creation framework in Rust, but the previewer of the video generated content is implemented in React and allows to render 120fps video rendering using Rescript and Rust (compiled to wasm).

In this presentation l’ll show how make these languages best friends and make them superpower react for unbelievable performance.
Visual Regression Under the Hood
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
9 min
Visual Regression Under the Hood
Visual regression is one of the hardest part in UI testing. And you will likely agree that it is extremely powerful. But how it works? What the problem it is solving under the hood? Why people choose visual regression services and how we build the fastest visual regression tool in the world :)