G. Ann Campbell
G. Ann Campbell coded JavaScript for early browsers (think Netscape 3, IE 4), plus Perl, C, and Java. She became a vocal member of the SonarQube community in 2010 and joined SonarSource in 2013, after co-authoring SonarQube in Action. Her software career has spanned support, documentation, coding, and product management. Through the SonarQube community, she has helped hundreds of people understand how to make the most of SonarQube to write Clean and Secure Code.
You're 5 Minutes Away from Code Quality & Code Security
DevOps.js Conf 2021

7 min
You're 5 Minutes Away from Code Quality & Code Security

In this session I'll use a live demo to show how effortless it is to add Code Quality and Code Security to your project with SonarCloud - not just for now but for every commit going forward.