149 min
How to Troubleshoot API Errors and Reduce MTTD/R
The benefits of Node.js to develop real-time applications at scale are very well known. As Node.js architectures get more and more complex, visualization of your microservices-based architecture is crucial. However, the visualization of microservices is incredibly complex given the scale and the transactions across them. In this workshop, you will learn how to leverage service maps to instantly understand your architecture and troubleshoot any API error.
We will write a simple Express application and explore best practices when using Express. Then, we’ll deploy the application on AWS, integrate the environment with Epsagon, and deep-dive into various features of the platform to enable immediate detection and fast troubleshooting of application errors. Goals: Visualizing your architecture, monitoring your applications, reducing your mean time to detection and recovery (MTTD and MTTR).
Who should attend?
DevOps, Engineers, Cloud Architects, IT, Software Developers, Solution Architects and Engineers, SREs, and anyone who is running microservice-based applications (Kubernetes, containers, serverless functions, and more) in the cloud.
PrerequisitesWe prefer to use VSCode for a better experience (other IDEs are fine)Preinstall npm and node Pre-existing AWS Account - You can create a free tier here Attendees are free to create an Epsagon account in advance here, not mandatory
We will write a simple Express application and explore best practices when using Express. Then, we’ll deploy the application on AWS, integrate the environment with Epsagon, and deep-dive into various features of the platform to enable immediate detection and fast troubleshooting of application errors. Goals: Visualizing your architecture, monitoring your applications, reducing your mean time to detection and recovery (MTTD and MTTR).
Who should attend?
DevOps, Engineers, Cloud Architects, IT, Software Developers, Solution Architects and Engineers, SREs, and anyone who is running microservice-based applications (Kubernetes, containers, serverless functions, and more) in the cloud.
PrerequisitesWe prefer to use VSCode for a better experience (other IDEs are fine)Preinstall npm and node Pre-existing AWS Account - You can create a free tier here Attendees are free to create an Epsagon account in advance here, not mandatory