Jemima Abu
Jemima Abu is a self-taught Front End Developer and school-taught Systems Engineer from Lagos, Nigeria.
She currently works at Telesoftas, a software company based in Lithuania. She is an avid advocate for diversity and intersectionality in technology and accessibility in web development.
She's also a huge nerd, slightly obsessed with cats and can usually be found on her laptop, coding or watching slice-of-life anime.
Let's talk about Web Components
React Advanced 2021

32 min
Let's talk about Web Components

Before the dawn of some of the most popular frameworks (read: React and Vue), there was Web components. Web Components take one of the best parts of these frameworks (reusable components) and combine it with the best parts of web development (native browser support and not needing to set up a build process). As if that's not enough, web components allow you use the same functions across any framework.If at this point, you're wondering "If web components are so awesome, why haven't I heard about them before?", then you're in luck because that's exactly what this talk is about.In this presentation, we'll take a look at what web components are, why web components are awesome, why web components can be a pain and how we can use web components both as a standalone tool and together with frameworks.
React Components and How To Style Them
React Summit 2020

8 min
React Components and How To Style Them

A comparative analysis between four methods of styling React components from inline styling to Styled-Components. This talk is best suited to beginner developers.