Jonathan Kuperman
I am a developer advocate currently working at Cloudflare in their emerging technologies org. I'm passionate about Open Source Software and the open web. I spend my free time learning, reading, blogging and teaching.
Static first websites with Cloudflare Workers
Node Congress 2022
30 min
Static first websites with Cloudflare Workers
Static websites give you all sorts of great benefits. You don’t have to worry about security or scalability. They are simple to cache, cheap to host and a breeze to maintain! But sometimes I miss all the fun things you can do with just a little bit of state! Combining the Cloudflare Pages platform with Durable Objects and the HTMLRewriter API, you can have your cake and eat it too! We’ll replicate a full WordPress experience with comments, top posts, like buttons and a page counter. All on Cloudflare’s free static site hosting platform.
You can check the slides for Jonathan's talk here.
You can check the slides for Jonathan's talk here.