Juliette MacPhail
Juliette MacPhail is a Product Manager at mabl, where she spends her time working on a low-code platform for simplifying test automation and helping teams ship high-quality software. She’s passionate about understanding core challenges in the test automation space and enabling the transition to quality engineering. As an active member of mabl’s DEI committee, she spends her spare time on initiatives related to accessibility, inclusivity, and mental health in the workplace.
mabl, USA
How Low-Code Enables Continuous Testing in DevOps
TestJS Summit 2021

31 min
How Low-Code Enables Continuous Testing in DevOps

As an industry, we understand that effective test automation is a key enabler - or inhibitor to - realizing the potential of DevOps. While automation is critical to innovating with speed and quality, very few of us are happy with the results. This talk will cover how low-code test automation solutions - like mabl - enable teams to embed automated tests directly into the development pipeline, strategies to overcome traditional challenges with test automation, and how to build a foundation for an efficient and effective test strategy.