Konstantinos Leimonis
Software Engineer and Tech Lead. Currently building a better micro-frontend platform at DAZN, mentoring and helping teams with tech initiatives, focusing on system architecture, monitoring and observability. I enjoy working with new technologies and scaling React apps and teams.
Keeping Sane with React Micro-Frontends in Production by Applying Observability
React Summit 2022

7 min
Keeping Sane with React Micro-Frontends in Production by Applying Observability

Teams are getting bigger by applying micro-frontends using React, but complexity tracking production issues can become extremely confusing when no clear responsibilities are met. That’s when observability for teams and applications on a scale becomes even more important, in order to be able to identify potential issues in production, separate the concerns and the responsibilities among them. In this presentation we’ll learn how we can achieve this.
Observability for Microfrontends
DevOps.js Conf 2022

24 min
Observability for Microfrontends

Teams are getting bigger and bigger following the micro-frontends architecture. Observability for teams on a scale becomes even more important in order not only to be able to identify potential issues in the runtime, but also separating the responsibilities. In this presentation we’ll learn how this can achieved.