Lili Kastilio
Working closely with customers designing & building TypeScript solutions. Recently a Lead Engineer at Snyk working on extending our current languages offering by introducing new languages and language specific concepts into our system in the shape of libs, parsers and microservices. When not coding I like to spend my time hanging upside down doing circus things.
Plug-in architecture: how TypeScript let us paint-by-numbers
TypeScript Congress 2022

15 min
Plug-in architecture: how TypeScript let us paint-by-numbers

Adding a new feature to an unfamiliar codebase can be painfully slow. What if you could lean on TypeScript to guide you?
At Snyk plugin architecture is a common pattern to extend language support across different products and codebases. Adding TypeScript to the mix has allowed us to add new features quickly and it can be as simple as painting by numbers when it comes to extending the code.
Join me as we create a simple library using plugin architecture and follow the trail of TypeScript hints to add a new feature.
At Snyk plugin architecture is a common pattern to extend language support across different products and codebases. Adding TypeScript to the mix has allowed us to add new features quickly and it can be as simple as painting by numbers when it comes to extending the code.
Join me as we create a simple library using plugin architecture and follow the trail of TypeScript hints to add a new feature.