Michael Hablich
Michael Hablich is a Product Manager at Google working on Chrome. There he focuses on removing friction for developers that need to test and debug web applications. In the past he worked as a developer, tester, agile coach, program manager, and engineering manager. He enjoys spending time with his daughters, rock climbing, and scuba diving.
Three Ways to Automate Your Browser, and Why We Are Adding a Fourth: WebDriver BiDi
JSNation 2023

19 min
Three Ways to Automate Your Browser, and Why We Are Adding a Fourth: WebDriver BiDi

A journey through overwhelming ways to automate browsers. Join Michael on a journey to see what happens behind the scenes of "await page.goto('https://example.com');" et. al. See what pros and cons each of the three ways of browser automation have.
Understand why we are adding a fourth - WebDriver BiDi.
Understand why we are adding a fourth - WebDriver BiDi.