Michael Poteat
Located in the vibrant city of San Francisco, Mike Poteat is a committed technical leader, skilled software engineer, and approachable people manager. His areas of interest are wide-ranging and encompass programming, type theory, pure mathematics, and more.
In the open-source world, Mike has had the opportunity to contribute to meaningful projects. One of these, hkt-toolbelt, applies higher-kinded types to TypeScript in an attempt to expand its functionality. Additionally, he's worked on spellbound, an agent-based LLM-powered VS Code extension that aims to enhance the usability of the platform.
Currently, Mike finds himself immersed in the voice AI industry at a startup backed by Y Combinator. He's part of a team working on the front lines of artificial intelligence, continually learning and evolving their approach to create cutting-edge solutions.
Away from his day job, Mike takes time to reflect and share his experiences on his blog, code.lol. He delves into topics around machine learning, programming, and other tech-related subjects, hoping that his musings might offer value to others exploring these fields.