Nancy Choi

Nancy Choi

Nancy is a Millennial Executive at a Fortune 500 company as well as a certified Executive and Career Coach. With a 15-year career in innovative startups and large companies, she understands the challenges of Modern Leadership intimately. Nancy works with modern leaders to navigate their career and leadership with more confidence, purpose, and impact.
Shaping a Career that You Love
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
Recording pending
Shaping a Career that You Love
It is hard to know what you really want from your career, but answering this question is a powerful step towards gaining more agency and control in how you develop. This workshop will support you to know yourself better, to build your aspiration of who you are becoming in your career and to set a direction for where you would love to go. This will enable you to identify actions to take to be more intentional and deliberate in the development of your career.