Nina Torgunakova

Nina Torgunakova

Frontend Engineer at Evil Martians, a product development consultancy. My great inspiration is to shape thoughts into easy-to-use products and articles, and I love to speak publicly. I'm passionate about learning different front-end technologies, and always try to see both pros and cons of using them.
5 Best Practices for Preventing Chaos in Tailwind CSS
React Advanced Conference 2024React Advanced Conference 2024
5 Best Practices for Preventing Chaos in Tailwind CSS
Tailwind blew in sweeping developers into two opposing camps. You have already picked your side, you’re either team pro Tailwind or you run far away. But what if I told you there is a third option? 

This CSS framework should come into play only when the perfect type of project calls for gentle breezes. In this talk, with illustrative examples, we'll elaborate on how to improve the experience of working with Tailwind CSS using simple practices. I’ll challenge your preconceptions and answer the important question, for which cases Tailwind is the best solution or when it's better to choose an alternate CSS tool.