Obinna Ekwuno
Obinna Ekwuno is a human before anything else. He mostly works on the web and loves to teach concepts in JavaScript while advocating for web accessibility. He does this through speaking, live streams, and technical articles. Currently, he works as a Developer Advocate at Cloudflare and before that he worked as a Software Engineer at Gatsby, where he worked on Gatsby Open source.
Building full-stack applications on the Edge
React Advanced 2022

9 min
Building full-stack applications on the Edge

Scaling and maintaining applications can be a pain, especially when thinking of how to build to get the user experience to a level that you are proud of. With all these shifting parts to consider, it is important to abstract parts of your applications to global reliable services. In this talk, we will discuss some of the services that Cloudflare provides, and the role they play in improving the overall developer and user experience.