Oleksii Levzhynskyi
I’m an Area Tech Lead at Grammarly. I have 12 years of experience building web-based applications that millions of users use. In my spare time, I contribute to open-source, write technical articles, give public talks, and serve on the program committee of fwdays conferences.
Building Web Applications with Signals at Grammarly
React Day Berlin 2024

29 min
Building Web Applications with Signals at Grammarly

Signals have recently become a popular concept. Their ideas are based on the functional reactive programming (FRP) approach, which has been leveraged in the industry for a while. I would like to share how someone can build an architecture based on signals and React and how we have used FRP at Grammarly for quite some time. The talk aims to showcase the foundational principles of observables and how to structure applications based on FRP ideas.