Olga Trofimova

Olga Trofimova

As a QA Engineer and Enthusiast, Olga loves to use modern and practical approaches to improve product quality. She believes that AI will never replace human work, but could help to improve the quality of testing and reduce efforts for a manual one.
Working In a Team Without a QA Engineer - Cover the Feature With Tests and Test It Ourselves
Productivity Conf for Devs and Tech LeadersProductivity Conf for Devs and Tech Leaders
Mar 26, 15:00
Working In a Team Without a QA Engineer - Cover the Feature With Tests and Test It Ourselves
You have a task, and you have technical documentation, but you are limited in time. Let's create a magic pill for your project!During this workshop, you will learn how to:- Use ChatGPT at its maximum- Generate prompt, using feedough- Analyse requirements and build a map coverage for test cases
AI in API Testing: How to Test Faster With ChatGPT
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
26 min
AI in API Testing: How to Test Faster With ChatGPT
Start using AI at full power. Generate scenarios, write tests, and create test data faster with ChatGPT. The demonstration will be provided via Cypress tool.