Rotem Mizrachi-Meidan
Detox E2E team member.
Rotem is a Software Engineer, open source advocate, passionate about Android, React Native, mobile performance, writing developer tools and Lego!
In his current position at Wix, Rotem is leading the team working on Detox, and a few other infrastructure and testing tools.
Detox: The Unobtainable Test Stability (or is it?)
Detox: The Unobtainable Test Stability (or is it?)

In this talk, we'll discuss how Wix is using Detox internally, how we manage configuration, how we fight flakiness, and some best practices we've developed over the ~3 years of building and using Detox in our CI process. We'll also discuss our endless striving for "0 manual QA", which always seems in reach, if we only overcome that one last technical hurdle.