Ruben Casas

Ruben Casas

Software Engineer and Architect. Currently building Micro Frontends Frameworks At American Express. I enjoy exploring new technologies and sharing my experiences with others.
Monolith to Micro-Frontends
React Advanced 2022React Advanced 2022
22 min
Monolith to Micro-Frontends
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Many companies worldwide are considering adopting Micro-Frontends to improve business agility and scale, however, there are many unknowns when it comes to what the migration path looks like in practice. In this talk, I will discuss the steps required to successfully migrate a monolithic React Application into a more modular decoupled frontend architecture.
Micro-Frontends Performance and Centralised Data Caching
React Advanced 2021React Advanced 2021
27 min
Micro-Frontends Performance and Centralised Data Caching
Top Content
Common myths about Micro-Frontends hold that they are bad for performance or that developers implementing this architectural style don’t care about the performance implications because they are focusing on fixing the developer experience and organizational issues rather than focusing on the user experience, however, the reality is altogether different. Micro-Frontends are not inheritably bad for performance and, as is often the case in software development, making best use of the technology depends on correct implementation. This talk will demonstrate how Micro-Frontends can make your applications faster and more resilient while keeping the benefits of independent deployments.
The Micro-Frontend Revolution at Amex
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
28 min
The Micro-Frontend Revolution at Amex
How do you scale a web application to be developed thousands of engineers and upgrade it to use the latest Javascript technologies (Nodejs + React)? The answer is, using Micro-Frontends!American Express is a pioneer in the usage of this architecture using it in production since 2016 and transforming the face of a website used millions of users worldwide.