Sylvana Santos
After working as a science teacher for a few years, Sylvana transitioned into software engineering as a means to provide a quality education to all learners. She began her career as an apprentice at Codecademy and is now a software engineer at the company. During her time at Codecademy, she has gained experience with React, Next.js, and Typescript and has led initiatives like the tech reading club and dev workshops.
Codecademy, USAsylvanasantos
Onboarding React Developers to Typescript
TypeScript Congress 2022

19 min
Onboarding React Developers to Typescript

Your team has just hired a React Developer to work on your Typescript codebase. Both your team and the new engineer are eager to start building features, but they only have experience writing Javascript. How can you quickly onboard the engineer to Typescript while still providing them with time and space needed to learn the language effectively? In this talk, we’ll discuss why Typescript fundamentals, like function types, interfaces, and generics, can be intimidating for learners. Then, we’ll walk through successful, practical approaches for teaching each of these concepts and relating them back to React. By the end of this talk, you’ll have the building blocks for creating a fruitful onboarding session for your engineers.