Tamar Twena-Stern
Tamar is a software developer, manager and architect. She has a decade of software engineering experience in various technologies: Server side, big data, mobile, web technologies, and security. She is currently focusing on Node.js, and has a deep knowledge of Node.js server architecture and Node.js performance optimisations.
Bun or Deno will Replace Node.js?
Node Congress 2024

Recording pending
Bun or Deno will Replace Node.js?

Making My Node.js API Super Fast
Node Congress 2024

34 min
Making My Node.js API Super Fast

Node.js servers need to process a large number of requests concurrently as the scale grows. A Node.js micro service which receives an API request needs to do multiple actions, like parsing JWTs, use caching, work with the databases and more. In this talk, Tamar will show strategies to improve your REST API performance - starting from new Node.js frameworks that can work faster, better parsing of request parts, efficient work with caching and DB , better parallelism and more strategies. The talk will include demos, benchmarks and profiling of code to see the improvements. At the end of this talk, developers will have practical knowledge on how to improve API performance in various Node.js platforms.
Effective Performance Testing to your Server with Autocannon
TestJS Summit 2021

36 min
Effective Performance Testing to your Server with Autocannon
Top Content
Performance testing expertise that is developed for a long time. In order to measure your server performance you need a tool that can efficiently simulate a lot of abilities and give you good measurements according your analysing criteria.Autocannon NPM library gave me exactly that - that library is super easy to install and has a very simple API to work with. Within a really short amount of time you can start do performance testing to your application and get good measurements in development environment and in your performance labs, and generate complicated testing scenarios.In this talk I will introduce Autocannon, explain how to efficiently analyse your server performance with it, and show how it helped me to understand complicated performance issues in my Node.js servers. At the end of this lecture, developers will be able to have the ability to integrate a fast and easy tool in order to measure your server performance.