Tom Raviv
Tom is an experienced developer with over a decade at Wix.com. There he helped establish the Wix R&D Academy and organized multiple community events, including the "You Gotta Love Frontend" conferences. Later, he led the development of Stylable, an open-source CSS toolchain for components, and now heads developer relations for Codux, striving to make web development more efficient, user-friendly, and accessible to all.
Technically Included (The Best Kind of Included)
React Summit 2024

30 min
Technically Included (The Best Kind of Included)

The design-development gap hurts your React projects: slower timelines, compromised quality, and repetitive handoffs. This talk explores the origins of this problem, the differences in language and environment, and offers solutions through processes, tools, and collaboration. Discover how including designers throughout the implementation process helps developers reduce friction, speed updevelopment, and deliver exceptional UIs.