Zernonia Kong
Zernonia is a Self-Taught Developer and Lead Frontend Developer at Troop Travel. He often finds himself enjoying doing Design and Developing Frontend Projects for the community, especially for Vue.
Zernonia loves building Free & Open-Source tools for developers, because he believes in the essence of good-will.
Build Your Own Component Library, With `Shadcn-vue`
Vue.js Live 2024

7 min
Build Your Own Component Library, With `Shadcn-vue`

In case you are unaware, shadcn (creator of `ui.shadcn`) created a new way for devs to build component libraries. Instead of a usual component library, where you are limited to the component styling, props, or events designed by the author, you now have the capability to modify the components to suit your needs.Quote from the shadcn himself, "It's a collection of re-usable components that you can copy and paste into your apps."
In this talk, I will be showcasing the power of this approach, walking through how to customize it, and why it has gained such a popularity in the recent months.
In this talk, I will be showcasing the power of this approach, walking through how to customize it, and why it has gained such a popularity in the recent months.