Continuous upskill
opportunities for your team

Multipass holders get access to:

annual conferences
React Advanced Conference 2024 logo
React Advanced Conference 2024
October 25 - 28, 2024
Productivity Conference 2024 logo
Productivity Conference 2024
November 6 - 7, 2024
JSNation US 2024 logo
JSNation US 2024
November 18 - 21, 2024
React Summit US 2024 logo
React Summit US 2024
November 18 - 22, 2024
React Day Berlin 2024 logo
React Day Berlin 2024
December 13 - 16, 2024
Node Congress 2025 logo
Node Congress 2025
February, 2025
JSNation 2025 logo
JSNation 2025
June, 2025
React Summit 2025 logo
React Summit 2025
June, 2025
TechLead Conference 2025 logo
TechLead Conference 2025
June, 2025
React Advanced Conference 2025 logo
React Advanced Conference 2025
October, 2025
JSNation US 2025 logo
JSNation US 2025
November, 2025
React Summit US 2025 logo
React Summit US 2025
November, 2025
TestJS Summit 2025 logo
TestJS Summit 2025
November, 2025
practical workshops
  • Full access to all GitNation remote conferences and exclusive events
  • Instant access to fresh library of advanced content on React, Vue, Angular, Node, and GraphQL
  • Live JavaScript hands-on workshops with top trainers
  • Certification upon event or course completion
  • Exclusive career advice articles
  • Transcriptions and talk content extras like slides, QnA and resources
  • Afterparties with speakers and attendees
  • Interactive chat in speakers' video rooms and discussion rooms

Trusted by companies


Benefits your colleagues get with Multipass

Always up to date content from monthly conferences
Different learning formats:
  • Talks
  • Hands-on workshops
  • Discussion tables
  • QnA with technology authors
Access to top speakers from major tech companies
  • Discussion of practical tech challenges in speakers’ rooms
  • Learning from top trainers
Certificates of completion after conferences & workshops

Benefits the company gets by getting Multipass for their employees

Additional job perk & Reduction of employee churn
20% discount to in person conferences & workshops for Multipass holders
Team bonding opportunities
  • Tech event pre-afterparties
  • Practicing new technologies in groups with teammates at our workshops
License to stream in the office (5+ multipass order)
Convenient account management
  • Team seats management
  • Auto send email with 1 click to team members after registration
  • Certificates tracking

Multipass holders satisfaction

would like to attend our future editions of conferences
consider the content as a relevant and up to date
of Multipass holders renew their subscription

Get Multipass yearly subscription with a 20% discount

The discount is applicable for team of 4+ ppl

Multipass Packages

  • 20 Multipass subscriptions
  • Recognition via social media
  • Job ads placement (1 conf)
  • 30 Multipass subscriptions
  • Recognition via social media
  • Logo placed on the website
  • Job ads placement (3 conf)
  • Welcome pack (stickers and other perks)
  • 40+ Multipass subscriptions
  • Recognition via social media
  • Logo placed on the website
  • Job ads placement (all confs)
  • Welcome pack (stickers and other perks)
  • Complimentary event sponsor package
  • Special features on request
Multipass Package is a great way to combine a discounted large group subscription order with your employer branding featured to the thousands of engineers attending our conferences monthly.
Email us for enquiries and more information about your options.


Currently we support only a single team manager and either GitNation Portal accounts could be created using personal or company email addresses.

While buying Multipasses through the website and finishing the checkout you’ll be able to manage subscriptions from your GitNation Portal account: enter your account → My Multipass → Edit Multipass → My team. After these steps just enter the data of Multipass holders. If you don't yet have a GitNation Portal account (it may happen when you buy Multipass via invoice), we will create one for you and you will be able to manage your team from there, including sending invites to your colleagues.

The invoice can be issued for the orders of 4+ Multipasses. In any other cases you’ll need to purchase Multipasses via our website:

Our Team Multipass product is already highly discounted, but some requests can be discussed separately.

Once you invite your colleagues they will be able to either use an existing account or create a new one before being linked to your team subscription.

When you buy a team multipass, you can assign all passes to your team members, and choose if you would like to include yourself or not.

Bonus perk: 20% discount on offline conference tickets and PRO workshops


Multipass holders enjoy unlimited 20% discount across all of our in-person events and PRO workshops.

The following example illustrates the deduction on the React Summit PRO workshop price. The total discounted amount may vary for each event.