Docker 101 - Intro to Container

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Software Containers are quickly becoming an essential tool in every developer's toolbelt. They make it easy to share, run, and scale code. In this talk you'll learn how to use Docker to write better, more sharable software. In this workshop Sr. Developer Advocate at Docker, Shy Ruparel, will walk you through getting started with Docker. He'll covers setting up Docker, running your first container, creating a basic web application with Python and Docker, and how to push the Docker Image to DockerHub. He'll share why you'd even want to use containers in the first place and how they enable a developer to write better, more shareable software.

This workshop has been presented at React Summit 2022, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.


Software containers are used to package an application and its dependencies together, ensuring that it runs consistently across different environments, such as local machines, cloud servers, and different operating systems.

Software containers solve issues such as OS inconsistencies, dependency conflicts, and difficulties in moving applications between different cloud providers. They ensure a consistent and secure environment for applications to run.

Modern shipping containers standardize the transportation of goods across different modes of transit. Similarly, software containers standardize the deployment and execution of applications across different environments, ensuring consistency and efficiency.

Docker is a platform that uses containerization to bundle an application and its dependencies into a single package called a container. This container can then run consistently across various environments, such as local machines, cloud servers, and different operating systems.

To create a Docker container from an image, you use the 'docker run' command followed by the image name. For example, 'docker run ubuntu' will create a new container from the Ubuntu image.

A Docker image is a read-only template that contains the instructions for creating a container. A Docker container is a running instance of an image, with a writable layer that can be modified during execution.

You can inspect a Docker container using the 'docker inspect' command followed by the container ID or name. This command provides detailed information about the container's configuration and state.

Docker Hub is a cloud-based repository where you can find, share, and manage Docker images. It hosts both official images curated by Docker and community-contributed images.

To push a Docker image to Docker Hub, you first need to tag the image with your Docker Hub repository name using the 'docker tag' command. Then, you use the 'docker push' command followed by the repository name to upload the image.

A Dockerfile is a script containing a series of commands and instructions for building a Docker image. It specifies the base image, dependencies, configuration, and the default command to run inside the container.

Shy Ruparel
Shy Ruparel
04 Jul, 2022
Video transcription, chapters and summary will be available after the recording is published.