The pandemic didn't really impact my career much because I was already doing a lot of remote work, like workshops. However, it did shake things up with my kids starting school at home.
The time required depends on the size of the project and the team's experience. Migrations are tough, so it's essential to do it iteratively rather than all at once. Starting with a loose TypeScript setup and gradually tightening it as you get more comfortable is advisable.
Yes, Next.js is a solid framework and widely used. However, I'm personally excited about Remix, which offers unique features not found elsewhere. Remix is still in developer preview, but it's worth keeping an eye on.
For component libraries, focus more on integration tests rather than unit tests. Render the component and interact with it to ensure it works as expected. Avoid unnecessary unit tests for simple components like buttons.
100% code coverage is often not practical for applications. Instead, focus on use case coverage to ensure you're testing real-world scenarios effectively. Code coverage reports can remind you of untested paths, but don't aim for 100% just to satisfy a metric.
Be nice and improve your communication skills. Being nice makes people want to work with you, and good communication helps you articulate your accomplishments and career goals effectively.
React Testing Library is tested using similar principles as any other code. We write tests that resemble the way the software is used, including calling functions like render and getByText to ensure they work correctly.
Yes, I recommend linting and typing your tests. There are linter plugins for testing libraries that help you write better tests, and writing tests in TypeScript can provide additional benefits despite occasional annoyances.
Practice and actively share your work. While I don't have specific resources, the Soft Skills Engineering podcast offers excellent advice on improving communication and other soft skills in tech.
For critical RTL features, visual regression testing tools like Applitools or Percy.io are recommended. These tools use advanced AI to reduce flakiness and ensure your interface works correctly in different locales.