From Scrapy to Scaled: You Finally Landed Resources to Grow your No-Code Operations. Now What?

This talk is confirmed. The time of the talk will be announced soon.
The recording will be published after editing. Multipass and Full ticket holders have early access.
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Congrats! You finally got headcount and/or budget approved to build out more marketing and sales automations. Going from single-player to multi-player builds isn’t that easy though. Scaling automations comes with its own challenges: documentation, error resolution, interfacing with IT, team onboarding/off-boarding, and more. This talk illuminates how to anticipate and navigate these challenges so you can make the most of your newfound resources.

This talk has been presented at Productivity Conference 2024, check out the latest edition of this Tech Conference.

Philip Lakin
Philip Lakin
Video transcription, chapters and summary will be available later.