How to Build Front-End Access Control with NFTs

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Understand the fundamentals of NFT technology and its application in bolstering web security. Through practical demonstrations and hands-on exercises, attendees will learn how to seamlessly integrate NFT-based access control mechanisms into their front-end development projects.

This workshop has been presented at React Summit 2024, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.


MetaMask is used as a blockchain wallet for managing digital assets and signing transactions within the application built during the workshop.

The presenter is Solange Gaitos, a developer relations engineer at Chainlink Labs.

A testnet, such as Sepolia, is used to simulate blockchain transactions without using real money. It provides a safe environment for learning and development.

NFTs can be used for access control by granting or denying access to certain digital content or services based on the ownership of specific NFTs.

Real-world applications of NFTs mentioned include NBA player tokens, game characters, and tokenized real estate for ownership and access management.

The workshop focuses on unlocking digital ownership using blockchain technology, specifically creating applications and accounts with NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens).

Solange Gaitos represents Chainlink Labs, a company focused on connecting blockchain technology with real-world applications.

The workshop uses React and Next.js for the front-end, Solidity for smart contracts, and MetaMask for managing blockchain wallets.

Additional resources and tutorials can be found on Chainlink Labs' developer hub, which provides various educational materials and bootcamps for learning blockchain technology.

NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, are unique digital assets based on blockchain technology. Unlike fungible tokens, each NFT has a unique identifier and cannot be exchanged on a one-to-one basis with any other token.

Solange Gueiros
Solange Gueiros
88 min
10 Jun, 2024


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  • Enoch Promise
    Enoch Promise
    Hi Solange, I'm Enoch Promise. A Blockchain developer. Thanks for sharing.
Video Summary and Transcription
Today's workshop explores the concept of unlocking digital ownership through blockchain technology. NFTs are unique digital assets that provide transparency, immutability, and trust. The workshop covers topics such as wallet setup, securing wallets, obtaining test tokens, creating NFTs, deploying contracts, building front-end applications, granting access, and the possibilities of NFTs. The importance of transaction validation and the availability of alternative blockchains are also discussed.

1. Introduction to Unlocking Digital Ownership

Short description:

Today, we will discuss unlocking digital ownership through blockchain technology. We will create a full application together, taking it step by step. I am Solange Gaitos, a developer relations engineer at Chainlink Labs, a company focused on connecting blockchain and non-blockchain technologies. We will cover NFTs, digital access, use cases, and connecting smart content with the front end. Let's explore the possibilities.

Welcome everyone. And today we are talking about unlocking digital ownership. And what does this mean? We are talking about how to start accounts using blockchain technology. And by the way, prepare your computers because we are creating a full application here. And I'm sure that you can do this with me. I'm doing it step by step, so slow, and I am guaranteeing all the steps with you to be sure that you can do this with me.

Let's introduce myself first. You can call me Sol, but my name is Solange Gaitos and I am a developer relations engineer at Chainlink Labs. And Chainlink Labs, it's a company focused on bringing the connections between blockchain and everything that is not in a blockchain. And by the way, we are talking a bit more about the blockchain today. These are my contacts, and I am from Brazil, but now I am in Amsterdam because I'm here. You have here the Talk in the React Summit and the JS Nation as well. So I'm ready here to meet some of you if you came to the event as well.

So let's start with the real content. This is an overview of what we are seeing today. We have two hours, and we can do an amazing application in these two hours and do this together. So we are starting talking about what are NFTs, digital access, some use cases related to this development environment. We are creating a smart content here. Wow. And then we are connecting this smart content with the front end that we are building. And what you can do with this? What can be the future? Let's see.

2. Collaboration and Introduction to NFTs

Short description:

Let's collaborate and introduce ourselves. Then, we will explore NFTs and their basis on blockchain technology. NFTs are unique digital assets that provide immutability and trust in a transparent environment. Blockchain is like a chain of blocks, where transactions are tamper proof and signed by an account. NFT-based access requires identity verification through wallet ownership and signing messages with public and private keys. Blockchain is decentralized, ensuring it is not controlled by a single entity.

So I'd like to invite you now to go to this link. So I'm adding this link for you now in the chat. And this is a collaborative page. Everyone can write together here. The same way you can delete everything, and so be careful. And my first question to you here is what's your name? I am Sol, and I came from Sao Paulo, Brazil. And you? I'd like to know a bit more about you. Hey, Mariano. Welcome, Mariano. Good to see you here. Wow, you are from Spain. Yes. Valencia. I'd like to know Valencia. I didn't know yet. And we have Mihi. I'm not sure if you know how to say your name. You are from the USA. Amazing. And Asanka from Sri Lanka. Wow. And I don't know how to say your name. Tuukk did this from Cyprus. I did my master degree in Nicosias, in Nicosia, in Cyprus. And Nima, you are from Belgium. Wow. Are you being in your place in July as well, to another conference. And I am so excited to have all of you here with me. And you can see that we can write in the same line. So be careful with this. But we are together here. And I mistake of some spaces here. And we are almost done to go forward. Oh, we have Oleg from Ukraine. Wow. Marco from Italy. And Haro from India. I was in an amazing chapter in India last year as well. And Marios from Italy. Wow. Welcome, everyone. I'm so happy, so glad in having all of you here and prepared to create an amazing application with me. So let's moving forward.

This is our base. So every link that I may open on my computer, I'm sharing here with you. Every code that I may do, I will add in this collaborative pad, how you can do this with me. So we are together all the time. Let's come back to our presentation. A bit. And first of all, what are NFTs? We used to say that an NFT is a digital asset. But this is a unique digital asset and this asset is based on blockchain. And what means based on blockchain? What is this like? We are talking about a different kind of technology where we have immutability and we used to say that this is a trust environment, especially because when you have some transaction, some asset record in a blockchain, you cannot change this anymore if you don't have permissions, if you don't have the right to do that. And when we talk about the many blockchains, we are talking about a public environment, a transparent environment. So blockchain brings to us more transparency and a place that we can trust a bit more. We can say that blockchain is like a chain of blocks. And yes, we have blocks, we have the transactions in the blocks, transactions can be like to create NFTs to transfer NFTs to do whatever they like to do with some asset over there. And every transaction is signed by an account. And on this way, this is tamper proof. We cannot manipulate this kind of accounts as well. And this is the base. So how can we use blockchain and NFTs to access, access something, to access an account? When we talk about traditional user access, we are talking about some user and some password. But when we talk about NFT-based access, we are talking about access made by your identity in a wallet. And you must sign a message or sign that you are the owner of this wallet to have this access. When we talk about sign something, we have and proving that we are the owner, we are talking about managing some public keys and private keys. Like imagine that you have a bank account and only you know the password. It's something like that. So but this is in a way that because it's in blockchain. Another point related to blockchain. Blockchain is decentralized. It means that it's not controlled by only one entity.