Panel Discussion: What's the big next step for Vue/Nuxt?

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The next big step for Vue and Nuxt focuses on improving performance. This includes making things faster during build time and development, as well as optimizing the compiler for better production performance. Additionally, there are plans to explore more about WebAssembly (WASM) both in the browser and on the server.

WebAssembly (WASM) is important because it enhances performance, especially as the JavaScript build tool ecosystem moves towards native libraries. WASM will play a crucial role in deploying binaries into production, making applications faster and more efficient.

Upcoming features and improvements include better performance optimizations, multi-app support, environment-specific builds, and more integration between server and client components. Additionally, there will be experiments with server islands and server components.

The community is focused on several performance improvements such as VaporMode in Vue, which enables performance enhancements through build-time transforms. There are also plans to optimize data loaders and matchers for specific use cases.

The target audience for the Vue and Nuxt podcast includes all types of Vue developers, from beginners to advanced users. The podcast aims to provide valuable insights, updates, and stories from the Vue and Nuxt ecosystems to help developers improve their skills and knowledge.

The purpose of the Vue and Nuxt podcast is to connect the community by featuring amazing people from the open-source side of Vue and Nuxt, as well as users who build impressive projects. The podcast aims to share insights, experiences, and inspiration to help developers in their journeys.

Micro frontends introduce challenges such as increased complexity in performance, state management, and communication between different components. While they offer autonomy to different teams, they also bring additional layers of complexity that need to be managed effectively.

Environment-specific builds in Nuxt aim to reduce the differences between development and production environments. This approach enhances stability and confidence when deploying applications by allowing developers to access environment-specific primitives during development.

Companies interested in performance improvements for Vue Router, such as optimizing for a large number of routes, can reach out to Eduardo for freelance assistance. He has designed the router to allow for plugging in different matchers to enhance performance for specific use cases.

Community-driven initiatives include the Deja Vu podcast, which features guests from the Vue and Nuxt ecosystems. The podcast shares updates, insights, and stories to help developers stay informed and inspired. Additionally, the community is focused on performance improvements and better integration between server and client components.

Eduardo San Martin Morote
Eduardo San Martin Morote
Maya Shavin
Maya Shavin
Konstantin BIFERT
Konstantin BIFERT
Daniel Roe
Daniel Roe
Alexander Lichter
Alexander Lichter
43 min
24 Apr, 2024


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